Billy Shatner in Toronto this past weekend, loser!

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I think Bill Shatner is AWESOME! I met him at a Grand Slam convention in Pasadena, California and he was extremely nice!

At the autograph session he chatted it up with everyone in line and was very funny! :D

I can't wait to see him in $@#% My Dad Says! :lol

Your experience is wildy different than the one offered in Toronto last month and apparently others have witnessed at other conventions. Do you remember what the auto cost? :)

Autographs are nice and all, along with meeting them, but frankly, it's the whole 'overcharging' that turns me off and why I don't bother.
I can understand a few dollars, say $5, maybe $10 for there time, etc, but beyond that it's just money grabbing, it's like they only want to meet the fans to find out how much money they can get out of them.
Lets face it, at $40 a sig, even if it takes a minute to do each one and say a few words, that's like $2400 per hour!!!! Makes a lawyer look cheap and it's not like they haven't been paid to work on the TV or movies to start with, or get a % of DVD sales, etc, etc.
$80 for a William Shatner auto is ricockulous. I hesitated paying $60 for Stan Lee, and I just read his was only $40 this signing.... Sorry, but Stan Lee>>>>William Shatner.
Get it while you can because he won't be around much longer.
I love Shatner and the tales of his ego are as known as the fact that the sun rises for the day and sets when its nitey-nite time. Nothing I read makes me categorize him as a loser or as really that surprising.

The only reason I would go to get an autograph from is to get his sig on my Boston Legal DVDs. I would gladly pay the cash because his turn as Denny Crane I enjoyed that much.