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So with the Bioshock Collection coming out in a couple of weeks, now would be a great time for a company to take advantage of a 1/6 Bioshock line. Threezero are the most likely candidates if they could get the license. Hot Toys would be a dream come true but super unlikely. Just imagine a 1/6 Big Daddy figure. I would be in for the entire line. This and Dead Space would make incredible 1/6 scale figures if done right. Wishful thinking over.
I'll be playing through all three games for the first time once I get this in the mail. :)

I've seen Bioshock: Infinite played, but I've never even been exposed to the others really. I'm excited.
I'll be playing through all three games for the first time once I get this in the mail. :)

I've seen Bioshock: Infinite played, but I've never even been exposed to the others really. I'm excited.
I still remember playing the first installment years ago. I was hooked. The awesome story is a big draw to keep you coming back. I've never played the sequels.

Would you kindly tell us your thoughts on the game after playing?
Iv heard the bioshock 2 dlc is really very awesome. I didnt really get into the last installment so will look to grab this.
Got the Bioshock Collection today beautiful on Ps4.. Just WOW well worth the $47
I'm excited for the people that have never played bioshock one before to try it out. You guys are in for a treat. One of those games where I wish I could forget all about it just to experience it again for the first time.
So, as is often the case, it looks like they royally screwed up the PC version. The biggest gaming market and they just keep on doing this as if we're a side thought. At least it is free for us, hopefully they will fix some of the issues.
Sucks about the PC port. I just finished playing through the entire collection. God I love them. Wish I had picked up the toys back when. eBay is barren and pricey.
Sucks about the PC port. I just finished playing through the entire collection. God I love them. Wish I had picked up the toys back when. eBay is barren and pricey.
The NECA figures are some of the few in my small scale collections that always remain on the shelf no matter how I change or rotate them out. Absolutely stunning series; it's a shame that they no longer have the license and that the Infinite line did poorly.
if you like the style you might wanna pick up 3A 1/12 Seamonkey.
So I finally got around to playing this.

I've beaten Bioshock... I hesitate to estimate out of shame - 25 times, maybe 30?

But no matter how many times I play it, I always have to do the poster face change in the Medical Pavilion entrance. But in the remastered version - nothing happens. I was distressed, so I Googled it, and I saw nothing about this change.

I also didn't seen anything, after a short look, about the poster in the original version. I'm confused and sad, because that was always one of the creepiest things in the game.

Picked this up from GameStop today for the wife. I was the only dude not there for Star Wars but I was probably the only dude getting laid too. :lol