I need some help. Im in some place that requires a code for the elevator. Says I have to get to the third floor, but the ramp that leads there is broken.
Help is appreciated.
Just finished the game and I loved it. Wish I knew some of the achievements before I played, like picture of cohen's corpse, oh well; might play through it again to get it.
Enjoyed the ending, but I don't see how there can be a sequelseems that the player escaped with the little girls and they all lived their lives as a family. any plot details on a sequel???
Is it fontaine's elevator?? If it is, the code is on a REcording you get on the 3rd floor. I heard it, but I wasn't paying attention and forgot.
Anyway, if it is, the code is 5477
Bioshock PS3 DLC
<embed src='https://videomedia.ign.com/ev/ev.swf' flashvars='object_ID=793104&downloadURL=https://ps3movies.ign.com/ps3/video/article/926/926911/BioShockPS3DLCTrailer_110408_flvlowwide.flv&allownetworking="all%"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='433' height='360'></embed>
Gaaa, that looks awesome. Where's the 360 DLC ?????
That does look awesome!
My guess is that as Microsoft pays exclusively for the majority of DLC for all games....this is one game where Sony has paid to get it exclusively.
That does look awesome!
My guess is that as Microsoft pays exclusively for the majority of DLC for all games....this is one game where Sony has paid to get it exclusively.
Or maybe they're just bored.
I don't think there's any deals at all. Microsoft missed out on keeping it exclusive because they didn't expect it to do so well, that's why the PS3 version was developed after it came out as a success. I'm guessing they're adding this PS3 DLC just because. Since it's new. Most Xbox players wouldn't play the game again just for a little DLC since it came out such a long time ago.
I would surely play the DLC. I love the game and even a little bit more would be awesome.
meh.. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. If it were new levels + new story elements/narrative THEN I'd feel that way. But a couple new "challenge" rooms I can live without. I didn't expect much from this when I got it. I remember seeing the previews and not being overly impressed. I got it the day it was released for the 360 and I have to say: I was pleasantly surprised and satisfied with it. Great game with a lot of GREAT twists and memorable moments.
"Would you kindly.."
But once again it's a PS3 exclusive.
Sony doesn't pay for exclusives like evil M$ does. 2K is doing it because they feel bad for delaying PS3 owners the experience of Bioshock this long.
Is it a level in the game or a bonus level that you can play whenever you want?