Such a unique story. If done well, this could be great.
I love how the game Bioshock has an Atlantean vibe to it..
and the underwater city the game takes place in is called Rapture..
water is the symbol of the The Age of Aquarius or the collective consciousness
Rapture is symbolic for enlightenment or next stage of human evolution
I like all the hidden, occult, biblical meanings.
And how plot deals heavily with genetic manipulation, and the main resources in the game are ADAM, EVE, and Money.
The game takes place during 1960 in Rapture, a fictional underwater city secretly built in 1946 on the mid-Atlantic seabed, entirely self-sufficient and powered by submarine volcanoes. Constructed by business magnate Andrew Ryan, Rapture was envisioned as the only place on Earth that could support individualism, and populated by those Ryan believed exemplified the best in humanity. During the early 1950s, this population peaked at several thousand, though ranks of elite emerged from the rest, discomforting many.
Anyone else find these games to be telling of where the social mind-Psyops are being focused right now?
These are some pretty HEAVY gaming concepts. Although I guess gamers are eating this stuff up which only creates more of it...pushing boundaries all over the place.
Of course A.Ryan is a reference to Hitler
The ARYAN race was a term used in the early 20th century by European racial theorists who believed strongly in the division of
humanity into biologically distinct races with differing genetics. Such writers believed that the Proto-Indo -Europeans constituted a specific race that had expanded across Europe, Iran and India. This meaning was, and still is, common in theories of racial superiority which were embraced by Nazi Germany. This usage tends to merge the Sanskrit meaning of "noble" or "elevated" with the idea of
distinctive behavioral and ancestral ethnicity marked by language distribution. In this interpretation, the Aryan Race is both the highest representative of mankind and the purest descendant of the Proto-Indo-European
I remember when I first watched part of the opening trailer of Bioshock and I have to say it was very disturbing. It reminded me of some dreams I've had... The definition of Aryan was surprising to me because the Nazi's used it to refer to fair blonde and blue eyed people, but if it represents indo-europeans I would think Aryans would be closer in appearance to Turkish or Indian people who have very different phenotypes. Strange how it evolved that way.
Aryan I have often thought must relate to Iran, I-raanyans, A-raanions, like Oniyons the layers peel away. Carrion
its all wierd in-breeding, pure my arse. Purity , a concept destroyed once one thinks about it - tough ^^^^ nazis and other puri-fires.
Alan Greenspan comes to Prague , with Cherie Blair - Cthulthu and Alice
Greenspan makes me think of bridges
or even Green Pan
There seems to be a lot of Armageddon implications in games lately. The fear (Or desire) for the world to meet its end seems to always be a constant in every generation. This good vs evil theme is really just a war within ourselves. Humanity is this worlds' worst enemy. People who control religion and government are the devil. Video games, movies, colleges hint at their identity, but most are naive to see it. I believe the wicked 33% put the information out just to see who bites.
most games coming out lately, they have nothing in common with each other except ONE: propaganda!
Choose rapture!