You'd also think that the Suits would realize that women would rather look at hot, buff shirtless men (, but nah, let's get a whole minute of HARLEY FREAKIN' (YASSSSSS) QUINN (SLAAAAAAAAYYYY) buying a sandwhich and then screaming (I'M ACTING) in slow-mo as it falls down. Truly riveting stuff. This "flick" is literally aimed at 13 yo Instathots and TikTokers, but I'm fairly certain they'd rather be doing something else... But hey, maybe the Cool Wine Aunt and Pansexual Wicca Ex-Tumblrina audience is going to give this thing legs!
If you want people to watch your drivel, at least put some hot women in sexy outfits. It's ****ing cape****. Staring female characters, ie fapbait. It's made for a forgettable evening. Give me a bit tiddy blonde in leather, a big tiddy ravenhead in leather, and a big tiddy redhead in leather ****ing up goons with good matial arts, and I'll watch your capeflick. Then keep some segments for a **** and forget about it a week later. Don't fight nature.
But nah, instead do Robbie's vanity project, fill it with some of the worst directing around, make it the cinematic equivalent of the "pengu1n_of_d00m" pasta, fill it with... whatever those women are, and you get the cinematic abortion that is BoP.
Because nothing says "I really ****ing wanna watch this action movie" like Margot "I'm totes 29" Robbie dressed like a toddler, a middle aged Latina doing her best impression of being menacing while her knees are killing her, a Literal "Black" Canary (who looks nothing like Black Canary) swinging a bat, for some reason, while looking as if she's going on a bad trip, MEW cosplaying as the Arrow, and Gank-I mean "Ned Leeds" female equivalent looking as if she's taking a ****! Oh, and let's not forget the CGI Hyena!
Meanwhile the depressed Robot in clown paint who shot the King of Comedy made a billion... Gee, it's almost as if you make a good movie and not alienate half the moviegoers, you'll probably make some cash...
Don't @ me. I don't care enough about this pile of garbage to debate it. Unless you wanna tell me how right I am, in which case, by all means necessary, do so.