Re: Black Orc of Mordor Premium Format.
I know. I know.
I doubt it....![]()
I know. I know.

I doubt it....![]()
I say stuff like this all the time.
Hi Tnaig!
To a certain extend I agree with you. When it comes to the Berserker bust I think the price difference was a let down because the excitement it generated among collectors. I also agree that the mistake was a big let down because Sideshow knows that, as artists and collectors, we wear our emotions on our sleeves, and that kind of error should never happen....
Having said that, we should not let our emotions take over and make us upset over a mistake. Sideshow is not trying to screw us up or like you said "trying to throw us a bone"
I'm unhappy about it, I will let Sideshow know about it by emailing them(I'm sure they are aware of it by now) and see the pieces for what they are. Sideshow is a great company and I'm glad that it didn't happen a few days later or after pre ordering because then I think it would have been 10 times worse.
Yeah, they F#@* up and they should at least apologize, but personally I don't think it is worth getting really upset about it.
Just my two cents....
Gotta agree. Who cares before so as you said nobody is out any money.
It is a big deal. Has everything to do with integrity in which case before pre-orders or after is a moot point.
After a day to cool off after the "New LOTR Item" high from yesterday, I believe that I'm gonna have to pass on this one. If I had a bottomless bank account sure I'd bite, but there is just to much on the horizon right now for me to throw money at a generic orc. I have to narrow my sights and focus on the Maquettes - I'm sure that we'll see some cool orcs in that line eventually. The only PF's that will be a must-have for me from this point on would be The RWOS, Witch-King in true form, and an armored Helms Deep Uruk-Hai.
After a day to cool off after the "New LOTR Item" high from yesterday, I believe that I'm gonna have to pass on this one. If I had a bottomless bank account sure I'd bite, but there is just to much on the horizon right now for me to throw money at a generic orc. I have to narrow my sights and focus on the Maquettes - I'm sure that we'll see some cool orcs in that line eventually. The only PF's that will be a must-have for me from this point on would be The RWOS, Witch-King in true form, and an armored Helms Deep Uruk-Hai.
Personally, if I had to focus on just one line it would be the maquettes as well. No doubt as that line continues to gather steam we will see plenty of bad guys...including Orcs.
Well said sir, and well i kind of want a battle/cave troll as well.
I also want some sort of fell beast even if its just a bust.
I wonder who will have the honor of first villain in the Maquette line?
Thank you. I look forward to returning to my Sauron project today, actually. Been away on other things that needed looking into, but I'm back on it as of this morning : ) As far as the layout of the art, it is arranged in the "portrait" format, with lots of "landscape"!
I think Jerry's post from today says it all......Sauron.![]()
I think Jerry's post from today says it all......Sauron.![]()
You're kidding right?What exactly does this have to do with integrity? Personally, I like to use the term 'mistake' when referring to someone's screw up. Now if you have some evidence to the contrary that shows SS did this deliberately...then produce it. Otherwise, get over it.
I know I am going to beas I always do when it comes to this subject, but sometimes one cannot provide proof without digging themselves a grave, just look at the patterns. I stand by what I said.
Back to the real subject, this piece is still awesome.