@Scout Trooper,
I hope you are well. I have chosen to respond here to defend myself and character, since you have made some false accusations about me are now coming across as very unreasonable and I think you are acting like a bully. It is very unfair, uncaused for, hurtful and upsetting. I find that you have done this in a confrontational and malicious way that is very negative, which as a result, is undermining the health of this thread and forum and the participation of others, including myself. Firstly, I want to make it clear that I speak without prejudice and only from my experience here. Secondly, I have a zero tolerance for any form of bullying and the type of behaviour you have displayed above.
I would like to begin by telling you that I only mean you well and seek positive, happy and respectful relations with yourself and others on here. I would like to stress to you that due to your behaviour, you are causing hindrance to my use of the forum and this thread for no reason that I can fathom, other than some sort of ill-will and or dislike towards me that I feel I have done nothing to warrant: To be mocked when you are doing something that you love and are passionate about is
wrong and effects one's self-esteem as you have done mine. And the fact that you continue to show no regard for that, are trying to prevent mine and someone else's positive engagement on this thread, and have blamed me for my reaction and
my own innocent feelings to your meme about me, by
telling me that I am mentally ill, is
deeply hurtful and speaks volumes about you and I find this to be utterly, shameful and low behaviour - to reproach someone for their own innocent feelings is one of the lowest forms of behaviour I can think of and I will
not tolerate it. And I won't accept you using assumptions and false claims about my poor mental health as what I see as a means to deflect from your actions and the fact that you upset me. Because, honestly, it isn't the first time I have seen this sort of behaviour (tell someone they need help and or are mentally ill), it's actually very clichéd and I find it lazy. To me, it is just a pathetic form of mockery in itself and reeks of passive-aggressiveness. Furthermore, if you really were concerned for someone's mental health, you would word it differently, in a polite and respectful manner and show some degree of care and empathy, not rebuke them with hostility, as I find you have done.
I expect candour but not in the malign way that you have displayed. And I expected a simple apology, or at least a kind explanation and reassurance, with some empathy and not to be blamed and attacked, as you have done to me.
Yes, as I have already told you, your post about me intimidated me, upset me deeply and ruined my night. And now, you are displaying further bully behaviour and coming across now as very antagonistic and patronising. I haven't done you any ill and I mean you and everyone on here well. I am shocked by your behaviour and response to me. I was upset with a post you made about me and now you are blaming me for how it made me feel. I don't think that is fair, nor right.
Sorry, I'm not really sure why you are concerned about my mental health, given that I think my reaction was reasonable and logical. Can you please explain why you are concerned about my mental health? As I do not see how having a reasonable, innocent reaction to something that has not hurt anyone else is cause for you, or anyone to deem me/ someone else as
Yes, and I appreciate your engagement and support and feedback that you have given me. I wouldn't say that I, or anyone is, 'holding you at gunpoint' and I am very sorry that you feel that way.
I was not to know that your joke was in good fun and purely with good intentions,
@Scout Trooper. But now you have revealed that you are annoyed with me and think I am spamming this thread and causing you annoyance privately. In the first instance, I think if you have an issue with me and something that you feel has happened privately, that you should, respectfully and in fairness, keep that in private instead of making it public on here. And it doesn't involve anyone else here. But since you have made that public and I would like to defend myself: looking back at our PM, to me, it is clear that we have had a friendly, courteous and respectful back and fourth discussion about figures and our love for Blade Runner, our hopes and ambitions and gave each other kind and valuable feedback. I can't see anywhere where I talked to you at length in a confused, or meaningless way. And I can't see anywhere where you told me that I was 'rambling' and causing you annoyance. Lastly, the last message in our PM was from you and it reads in good faith and with a polite tone. I only reacted with a like and chose not to reply. So, bringing this up with me now just after you telling me that your above joke was, "innocent" and telling me that I am spamming this thread, simply tells me that your joke does
not in fact appear to be innocent, since it clearly seems that in actual fact, you made it because you are annoyed with me and for spamming the thread. So, to me, you are just contradicting yourself and being dishonest.
I find that you telling me that I have been 'rambling' and speaking "nonsense" is very rude and disrespectful and very 'out of the blue' and sudden. So, I am very confused and shocked by this. Can you please do me the courtesy of explaining how I have been rambling and what I said was nonsense to you? It might be best to take this to PM. I am open to a constructive an polite conversation to remedy the issue and am open to the discussion.
That's OK, I sometimes ask politely if I may have the name of who I am speaking with. No, that didn't 'rub me the wrong way', and I respect anyone, including yourself who wishes to remain anonymous and withhold their private information/ name. So, I am not sure why you think that has made me upset with you. And furthermore, I am not sure what relevance this has to the matter at hand. Can you please explain what sort of 'behaviour' of mine you are connecting to your assumption that I am upset that you did not give me your real name,
@Scout Trooper? As I think my behaviour has been sound, fair, polite and respectful.
I understand that. And thank you for letting me/ the thread know. But I don't think your reaction above was the right one, or fair at all,
@Scout Trooper. I think some tact and sensitivity would have been the right approach in responding. I think that a simply apology and telling me that you meant nothing by it was all that was really needed. That is what I would have done. But instead, you decided to be hostile and bully me. You chose to lean into me with a psychoanalysis based on assumptions, bully me and involve someone else unfairly. And your repeated mention of my mental health and telling me, 'clearly you are not OK' is very patronising, hurtful, inappropriate and upsetting. Telling someone they are not OK instead of asking them kindly if they are OK and showing empathy is off and wrong, to me. It speaks a lot to your lack of empathy and sensibility to treat other people/ myself kindly and fairly, especially someone who is taking their time and effort to detail their process that can serve as a reference to others doing their own projects.
This is bully behaviour,
@Scout Trooper and reeks of bitterness. You are coming across as just making this very personal now and seem bitter and hostile by involving another person that has nothing to do with the matter. Can you please stop this,
@Scout Trooper?
@01010011antiago has nothing to do with what you posted and my reaction to it. That is between you and I. People are free to their opinions and who they choose to interact with. It is absolutely absurd that you have an issue with 01010011antiago's engagement and "constructive criticism" that he has provided to me and questioning who he chooses to engage with his very controlling and oppressive.
It seems to me that you do,
@Scout Trooper. As per my above point, questioning if 01010011antiago is sure if he wants to engage with me and help me reeks of maliciousness, bitterness and jealousy. For why would you be against someone positively helping someone else? Especially if you have no "ill-feelings" towards me? After @01010011antiag0's kind message of support and encouragement, I got back to my contributions to the thread in a positive manner, and this is how you choose to react and behave? I am ashamed by this behaviour,
@Scout Trooper.
As I alluded to in my reply to your meme about me, we are all here with mutual interests and should be here to help one another and be kind and supportive of each other, which is all that I have been doing here; I just want to be able to come on here and use the forum and contribute to this thread like everyone else and to do so in a peaceful and happy way. But you are now really making me feel unwelcomed and like I am not allowed to do this, with no fair and justified reason that I can fathom from your responses above.
With respect, if you wish to discuss and resolve this matter amicably in private, I am happy to do so. But I please ask you, can you please stop this hostile behaviour towards me and