Blade Runner 2049 - 1/6 scale figures / parts / modifications

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I'm sorry he made you feel that way, I know he probably didn't mean any harm, but it's still frustrating that you pour so much effort detailing your progress on your own figure and that someone comes and uses you as a laughingstock.

Please keep sharing the mods you're doing to your K, I'm interested.

Kind thanks, @01010011antiago.

I still wasn't happy with the Blackbox body for a couple reasons, so I modded it with much better and great quality legs that really look and feel the part.

Issue one: I realised that the calves are bowed in, annoyingly, due to their shape/ mould. My DiD Advanced 2.0 suffers this slightly, too. It just looks really off when he is standing. You can alleviate this by having these legs spaced far apart, but it just looks off and very squarish and boxy, and this effects the upper torso look/ coat.

Bowed 2049

3 MOD 2 b MARK UP.jpg3 MOD 2 a.jpg
You silly square, or Bowed 2049 take your pick

Issue two: The Blackbox leg joints aren't great. One of them is decent, the other loose. And on my other BB K, both are very loose.

Before I did the modification, I took the opportunity to try some new neck adapter mods on my second BB body, one of which I quite liked. I realised today that the BB body seems to be modelled after the AT011 and or similar. Some parts look almost recasted: both bodies share very similar/ same arms and chest. Although, the BB waist and abdominal area are taller and slimmer. The thighs look par for par, down to the vein detailing, the calves appear to match, too, but the AT022 ankles are a tad longer.


I tried him looking down at his gun as per the bridge scene, but even with a rounded neck adapter that gives him even more ROM (rotation of movement), it didn't work as his pupils and iris's would need to be painted looking down. I have in mind another to try, using a rounded neck adapter that you commonly get with necked figures off-the-shelf and modding it to fit this neck. In the end I opted for a scrap of his underwear to stabilise and support his neck at the bottom to get just the right height more easily. Worked a charm. I might seek out some of the thick foam tape that was there before, though and try that, too.

Private K

K are you OK? Are you OK K?

Not so Private K. Left: Bowed 2049, Right: Blade Runner AT020. The Blackbox legs are just really odd and crap to me

Really love his form now and his new legs are awesome! The better musculature and definition of the AT020 legs shines through and shows with his trousers on, too

Who's da man?! Upon further film reference viewing, I realised that the Blackbox trousers are more accurate, not just in shape and fit, but colour, so K is back in those now

'An infiltration unit, part 2049, part AT020'. Left: Bowed 2049 (Blackbox legs), Right: AT020 legs (also AT020 forearms and Blackbox biceps)

'Make it one for my baby and 3 more for the road'

Overall, with V5, K stands far more stably now, the added weight also makes him feel more premium. And his legs look much more natural and correct now. I'm really proud and happy with my progress with him and the improvements.
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Kind thanks, @01010011antiago.

I still wasn't happy with the Blackbox body for a couple reasons, so I modded it with much better and great quality legs that really look and feel the part.

Issue one: I realised that the calves are bowed in, annoyingly, due to their shape/ mould. My DiD Advanced 2.0 suffers this slightly, too. It just looks really off when he is standing. You can alleviate this by having these legs spaced far apart, but it just looks off and very squarish and boxy, and this effects the upper torso look/ coat.

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Bowed 2049

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You silly square, or Bowed 2049 take your pick

Issue two: The Blackbox leg joints aren't great. One of them is decent, the other loose. And on my other BB K, both are very loose.

Before I did the modification, I took the opportunity to try some new neck adapter mods on my second BB body, one of which I quite liked:

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I tried him looking down at his gun as per the bridge scene, but even with a rounded neck adapter that gives him even more ROM (rotation of movement), it didn't work as his pupils and iris's would need to be painted looking down. I have in mind another to try, using a rounded neck adapter that you commonly get with necked figures off-the-shelf and modding it to fit this neck. In the end I opted for a scrap of his underwear to stabilise and support his neck at the bottom to get just the right height more easily. Worked a charm. I might seek out some of the thick foam tape that was there before, though and try that, too.

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Private K

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K are you OK? Are you OK K?

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Not so Private K. Left: Bowed 2049, Right: Blade Runner AT020. The Blackbox legs are just really odd and crap to me

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Really love his form now and his new legs are awesome! The better musculature and definition of the AT020 legs shines through and shows with his trousers on, too

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Who's da man?! Upon further film reference viewing, I realised that the Blackbox trousers are more accurate, not just in shape and fit, but colour, so K is back in those now

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'An infiltration unit, part 2049, part AT020'. Left: Bowed 2049 (Blackbox legs), Right: AT020 legs (also AT020 forearms and Blackbox biceps)

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'Make it one for my baby and 3 more for the road'

Overall, with V5, K stands far more stably now, the added weight also makes him feel more premium. And his legs look much more natural and correct now. I'm really proud and happy with my progress with him and the improvements.
Massive improvements, congrats dude. I feel the neck is a tad bit too long, I'm not checking any references but it's just my impression. Would also love to see it under a more cinematic lightning and a closeup of the head sculpt.

So far looks great! I hope I can get myself an officer K from Justina as it's one of my favorite characters.
Massive improvements, congrats dude. I feel the neck is a tad bit too long, I'm not checking any references but it's just my impression. Would also love to see it under a more cinematic lightning and a closeup of the head sculpt.

So far looks great! I hope I can get myself an officer K from Justina as it's one of my favorite characters.

Thanks a lot, @01010011antiago!

I feel the neck is a tad bit too long, I'm not checking any references but it's just my impression.

Thanks for your feedback, man. I'm very cognisant of his neck, ha ha, as well as every other detail. If you check some promo photos and the film/ film photos, you will see that it is probably correct. But I will consider what you said. I could lower it 1mm and see, but I've done that before. Too low and he will look too hunched and wrong. It will also throw off the collar to ear spacing, which is currently screen-accurate. In the film and real life, we see Gosling has a long neck, but that in the film, his jumper also reveals more of his neck area around it and just below his Adam's apple. Without a head plus chest for K, and a jumper maybe cut deeper at the neck line, I think that for this build at least, you need to make sure to have his neck pretty much all the way up to account for the 'amount of neck' we see in the film, so to speak. In doing this, the bottom of the neck needs to align perfectly with the top of the neck line of his jumper, at least for this particular K. This is the main reason I tried various neck adapter mods to allow fine adjustment.

I hope I can get myself an officer K from Justina

Yeah, Justina's looks amazing in rendered form thus far. I love Vince's sculpt and JHStudio's paint work on it. I find that the artists really nailed his baby faced look and dilated eyes when we see him in the neon pink light in the bridge scene in the film. This shows just like in the film, when you shine direct light on him. And in in-direct, or more diffuse lighting, he looks more like he does earlier in the film/ in less direct lighting in the film. If you check back above through my various photos, you will see what I mean. I think I shared some close ups above last Sunday, buddy. One testament is that I think he still looks good head-on and not just from profiles and partial-profile, since profiles are always more easy to show likeness, since you are looking at symmetry cut in half/ half of the proportion and likeness only.

I might get him rooted hair with a rain/ wet look to match the bridge scene which I think will really take him up another level!

as it's one of my favorite characters.

Yeah, I agree, K is a fascinating character that I find ages really well, as I find myself thinking more and more about him and his character as the years go on. I still often think about him, his motives, psyche, his slavery, his sadness and loneliness, his sacrifice and the human condition through his personal story and journey. Having this figure allows me to look at it and reflect on these things, too, as I find it conveys a lot of these facets and states of being. It's a powerful figure for me in that respect.

Warm wishes
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@Scout Trooper, are you taking the piss? As what you posted above comes across as extremely childish, intimidating and belittling. And where did you get '7 times this week' from? I shared photos of my figure on there twice last week and once this week. I'm shocked by your behaviour and reaction and the fact that you went out of your way to make photo shop some images to make a mockery of me. That feels very personal.

It's self-explanatory but for the record, I'm passionate about figures and what I do, just as everyone I am sure here is. That is why we are all here. And I like to share my hard work and efforts with others out of that pride and to help others, just as I helped you 2 days ago, above. I spend a lot of time on the photos and write-ups in order to do that. And I like to contribute in this regard to threads to keep them alive and flourishing. And I see value in that. I am inspired by the figures and work of others and I do anything I can to give back to the communities for the hobbies I am a part of, in the hope that what I do and share will inspire someone else, or be of enjoyment, or help in some way.

You've ruined my night and made me feel unwelcomed here.

It intimidates you, and it's ruined your night?

I'm rather concerned about your mental health @Indian Jones. And I'm not being facetious at all.

But make no mistake, there's nothing I need to explain or apologise to you for.

It's absurd, I've been very receptive and supportive of you the entire way, that I'm suddenly being held at gunpoint over an innocent Jimmy Neutron meme

Notwithstanding that I made that joke in good fun and purely with good intentions, but in fairness, and if we're being honest with each other, you have been spamming this thread and clogging my private messages with constant rambles and back and forth nonsense, with barely any engagement, and I've only been accommodating to you, haven't I?

It's true I didn't tell you my real name when you asked, and I guess that may have rubbed you the wrong way, but I'm weary of whom I share any personal information with online, and your behaviour only reinforces that.

Frankly, I was taken back by the reaction, and I wasn't sure how to respond..

I don't have any ill feelings towards you dude, but you're neurotic and unstable, and I won't encourage this behaviour like Santiago did. I sincerely suggest that you seek help.

You are clearly not ok.
Massive improvements, congrats dude. I feel the neck is a tad bit too long, I'm not checking any references but it's just my impression. Would also love to see it under a more cinematic lightning and a closeup of the head sculpt.

So far looks great! I hope I can get myself an officer K from Justina as it's one of my favorite characters.
You saw the way he reacted to a silly joke. Are you sure you want to give him constructive criticism?
Hi @Scout Trooper,

I hope you are well. I have chosen to respond here to defend myself and character, since you have made some false accusations about me are now coming across as very unreasonable and I think you are acting like a bully. It is very unfair, uncaused for, hurtful and upsetting. I find that you have done this in a confrontational and malicious way that is very negative, which as a result, is undermining the health of this thread and forum and the participation of others, including myself. Firstly, I want to make it clear that I speak without prejudice and only from my experience here. Secondly, I have a zero tolerance for any form of bullying and the type of behaviour you have displayed above.

I would like to begin by telling you that I only mean you well and seek positive, happy and respectful relations with yourself and others on here. I would like to stress to you that due to your behaviour, you are causing hindrance to my use of the forum and this thread for no reason that I can fathom, other than some sort of ill-will and or dislike towards me that I feel I have done nothing to warrant: To be mocked when you are doing something that you love and are passionate about is wrong and effects one's self-esteem as you have done mine. And the fact that you continue to show no regard for that, are trying to prevent mine and someone else's positive engagement on this thread, and have blamed me for my reaction and my own innocent feelings to your meme about me, by telling me that I am mentally ill, is deeply hurtful and speaks volumes about you and I find this to be utterly, shameful and low behaviour - to reproach someone for their own innocent feelings is one of the lowest forms of behaviour I can think of and I will not tolerate it. And I won't accept you using assumptions and false claims about my poor mental health as what I see as a means to deflect from your actions and the fact that you upset me. Because, honestly, it isn't the first time I have seen this sort of behaviour (tell someone they need help and or are mentally ill), it's actually very clichéd and I find it lazy. To me, it is just a pathetic form of mockery in itself and reeks of passive-aggressiveness. Furthermore, if you really were concerned for someone's mental health, you would word it differently, in a polite and respectful manner and show some degree of care and empathy, not rebuke them with hostility, as I find you have done.

I expect candour but not in the malign way that you have displayed. And I expected a simple apology, or at least a kind explanation and reassurance, with some empathy and not to be blamed and attacked, as you have done to me.

It intimidates you, and it's ruined your night?

Yes, as I have already told you, your post about me intimidated me, upset me deeply and ruined my night. Whether you meant it innocently, or not is irrelevant in respect of that because that is how I felt and how it came across. And I already kindly and respectfully explained that to you. But you have now revealed a motive behind it anyway, due to your personal dislike, disapproval and anger/ frustration with me/ my posts. And now, you are displaying further bully behaviour and coming across now as very antagonistic and patronising. I haven't done you any ill and I mean you and everyone on here well. I am shocked by your behaviour and response to me. I was upset with a post you made about me and now you are blaming me for how it made me feel. I don't think that is fair, nor right.

I'm rather concerned about your mental health @Indian Jones. And I'm not being facetious at all.

Sorry, I'm not really sure why you are concerned about my mental health, given that I think my reaction was reasonable and logical. Can you please explain why you are concerned about my mental health? As I do not see how having a reasonable, innocent reaction to something that has not hurt anyone else is cause for you, or anyone to deem me/ someone else as mentally ill.

It's absurd, I've been very receptive and supportive of you the entire way, that I'm suddenly being held at gunpoint over an innocent Jimmy Neutron meme

Yes, and I appreciate your engagement and support and feedback that you have given me. I wouldn't say that I, or anyone was, 'holding you at gunpoint' and I am very sorry that you feel that way.

Notwithstanding that I made that joke in good fun and purely with good intentions, but in fairness, and if we're being honest with each other, you have been spamming this thread and clogging my private messages with constant rambles and back and forth nonsense, with barely any engagement, and I've only been accommodating to you, haven't I?

I was not to know that your joke was in good fun and purely with good intentions, @Scout Trooper. But now you have revealed that you are annoyed with me and think I am spamming this thread and causing you annoyance privately. In the first instance, I think if you have an issue with me and something that you feel has happened privately, that you should, respectfully and in fairness, keep that in private instead of making it public on here and respectfully let me know there. And it doesn't involve anyone else here. But since you have made that public and I would like to defend myself: looking back at our PM, to me, it is clear that we have had a friendly, courteous and respectful back and fourth discussion about figures and our love for Blade Runner, our hopes and ambitions and gave each other kind and valuable feedback. I can't see anywhere where I talked to you at length in a confused, or meaningless way. And I can't see anywhere where you told me that I was 'rambling' and causing you annoyance. Lastly, the last message in our PM was from you and it reads in good faith and with a polite tone. I only reacted with a like and chose not to reply. So, bringing this up with me now just after you telling me that your above joke was, "innocent" and telling me that I am spamming this thread, simply tells me that your joke does not in fact appear to be innocent, since it clearly seems that in actual fact, you made it because you are annoyed with me and for your claims that I am spamming the thread. So, to me, you are just contradicting yourself and being dishonest.

I find that you telling me that I have been 'rambling' and speaking "nonsense" is very rude and disrespectful and very 'out of the blue' and sudden. So, I am very confused and shocked by this. Can you please do me the courtesy of explaining how I have been rambling and what I said was nonsense to you? It might be best to take this to PM. I am open to a constructive an polite conversation to remedy the issue.

It's true I didn't tell you my real name when you asked, and I guess that may have rubbed you the wrong way, but I'm weary of whom I share any personal information with online, and your behaviour only reinforces that.

That's OK, I sometimes ask politely if I may have the name of who I am speaking with. No, that didn't 'rub me the wrong way', and I respect anyone, including yourself who wishes to remain anonymous and withhold their private information/ name. So, I am not sure why you think that has made me upset with you. And furthermore, I am not sure what relevance this has to the matter at hand. Can you please explain what sort of 'behaviour' of mine you are connecting to your assumption that I am upset that you did not give me your real name, @Scout Trooper? As I think my behaviour has been sound, fair, polite and respectful.

Frankly, I was taken back by the reaction, and I wasn't sure how to respond..

I understand that. And thank you for letting me/ the thread know. But I don't think your reaction above was the right one, or fair at all, @Scout Trooper. I think some tact and sensitivity would have been the right approach in responding. I think that a simply apology and telling me that you meant nothing by it was all that was really needed. That is what I would have done. But instead, you decided to be hostile and bully me. You chose to lean into me with a psychoanalysis based on assumptions, bully me and involve someone else unfairly. And your repeated mention of my mental health and telling me, 'clearly you are not OK' is very patronising, hurtful, inappropriate and upsetting. Telling someone they are not OK instead of asking them kindly if they are OK and showing empathy is off and wrong, to me. It speaks a lot to your lack of empathy and sensibility to treat other people/ myself kindly and fairly, especially someone who is taking their time and effort to detail their process that can serve as a reference to others doing their own projects.

You saw the way he reacted to a silly joke. Are you sure you want to give him constructive criticism?

This is bully behaviour, @Scout Trooper and reeks of bitterness. You are coming across as just making this very personal now and seem bitter and hostile by involving another person that has nothing to do with the matter. Can you please stop this, @Scout Trooper? @01010011antiago has nothing to do with what you posted and my reaction to it. That is between you and I. People are free to their opinions and who they choose to interact with. It is absolutely absurd that you have an issue with 01010011antiago's engagement and "constructive criticism" that he has provided to me and questioning who he chooses to engage with is very controlling and oppressive.

I don't have any ill feelings towards you dude

It seems to me that you do, @Scout Trooper. As per my above point, questioning if 01010011antiago is sure if he wants to engage with me and help me reeks of maliciousness, bitterness and jealousy. For why would you be against someone positively helping someone else? Especially if you have no "ill-feelings" towards me? After @01010011antiag0's kind message of support and encouragement, I got back to my contributions to the thread in a positive manner, and this is how you choose to react and behave? I am ashamed by this behaviour, @Scout Trooper.

As I alluded to in my reply to your meme about me, we are all here with mutual interests and should be here to help one another and be kind and supportive of each other, which is all that I have been doing here; I just want to be able to come on here and use the forum and contribute to this thread like everyone else and to do so in a peaceful and happy way. But you are now really making me feel unwelcomed and like I am not allowed to do this, with no fair and justified reason that I can fathom from your responses above.

I cannot accept an argument about accusations of spamming, talking nonsense and poor mental health that are based solely on assumptions of one's character and personal life and a lack of any evidence/ proper explanation and reasoning for said spamming and talking nonsense. Showing a feeling of upset and being intimidated by a meme that came across to that person in that regard is not a means to question their mental health, yet alone tell that person they need help and are mentally ill. And the fact that you betrayed your reasoning (that your meme was made in good faith and innocent) by then accusing me of annoying you, spamming the thread and our PM, rambling and talking nonsense weakens any merit and sincerity in your argument and simply tells me and everyone that you did in fact have some sort of ill-will behind it.

I think I have justified my points clearly to you for my defence.

With respect, if you wish to discuss and resolve this matter amicably in private, I am happy to do so. But I please ask you, can you please stop this hostile behaviour towards me and @01010011antiago?
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Hi @Scout Trooper,

I hope you are well. I have chosen to respond here to defend myself and character, since you have made some false accusations about me are now coming across as very unreasonable and I think you are acting like a bully. It is very unfair, uncaused for, hurtful and upsetting. I find that you have done this in a confrontational and malicious way that is very negative, which as a result, is undermining the health of this thread and forum and the participation of others, including myself. Firstly, I want to make it clear that I speak without prejudice and only from my experience here. Secondly, I have a zero tolerance for any form of bullying and the type of behaviour you have displayed above.

I would like to begin by telling you that I only mean you well and seek positive, happy and respectful relations with yourself and others on here. I would like to stress to you that due to your behaviour, you are causing hindrance to my use of the forum and this thread for no reason that I can fathom, other than some sort of ill-will and or dislike towards me that I feel I have done nothing to warrant: To be mocked when you are doing something that you love and are passionate about is wrong and effects one's self-esteem as you have done mine. And the fact that you continue to show no regard for that, are trying to prevent mine and someone else's positive engagement on this thread, and have blamed me for my reaction and my own innocent feelings to your meme about me, by telling me that I am mentally ill, is deeply hurtful and speaks volumes about you and I find this to be utterly, shameful and low behaviour - to reproach someone for their own innocent feelings is one of the lowest forms of behaviour I can think of and I will not tolerate it. And I won't accept you using assumptions and false claims about my poor mental health as what I see as a means to deflect from your actions and the fact that you upset me. Because, honestly, it isn't the first time I have seen this sort of behaviour (tell someone they need help and or are mentally ill), it's actually very clichéd and I find it lazy. To me, it is just a pathetic form of mockery in itself and reeks of passive-aggressiveness. Furthermore, if you really were concerned for someone's mental health, you would word it differently, in a polite and respectful manner and show some degree of care and empathy, not rebuke them with hostility, as I find you have done.

I expect candour but not in the malign way that you have displayed. And I expected a simple apology, or at least a kind explanation and reassurance, with some empathy and not to be blamed and attacked, as you have done to me.

Yes, as I have already told you, your post about me intimidated me, upset me deeply and ruined my night. And now, you are displaying further bully behaviour and coming across now as very antagonistic and patronising. I haven't done you any ill and I mean you and everyone on here well. I am shocked by your behaviour and response to me. I was upset with a post you made about me and now you are blaming me for how it made me feel. I don't think that is fair, nor right.

Sorry, I'm not really sure why you are concerned about my mental health, given that I think my reaction was reasonable and logical. Can you please explain why you are concerned about my mental health? As I do not see how having a reasonable, innocent reaction to something that has not hurt anyone else is cause for you, or anyone to deem me/ someone else as

Yes, and I appreciate your engagement and support and feedback that you have given me. I wouldn't say that I, or anyone is, 'holding you at gunpoint' and I am very sorry that you feel that way.

I was not to know that your joke was in good fun and purely with good intentions, @Scout Trooper. But now you have revealed that you are annoyed with me and think I am spamming this thread and causing you annoyance privately. In the first instance, I think if you have an issue with me and something that you feel has happened privately, that you should, respectfully and in fairness, keep that in private instead of making it public on here. And it doesn't involve anyone else here. But since you have made that public and I would like to defend myself: looking back at our PM, to me, it is clear that we have had a friendly, courteous and respectful back and fourth discussion about figures and our love for Blade Runner, our hopes and ambitions and gave each other kind and valuable feedback. I can't see anywhere where I talked to you at length in a confused, or meaningless way. And I can't see anywhere where you told me that I was 'rambling' and causing you annoyance. Lastly, the last message in our PM was from you and it reads in good faith and with a polite tone. I only reacted with a like and chose not to reply. So, bringing this up with me now just after you telling me that your above joke was, "innocent" and telling me that I am spamming this thread, simply tells me that your joke does not in fact appear to be innocent, since it clearly seems that in actual fact, you made it because you are annoyed with me and for spamming the thread. So, to me, you are just contradicting yourself and being dishonest.

I find that you telling me that I have been 'rambling' and speaking "nonsense" is very rude and disrespectful and very 'out of the blue' and sudden. So, I am very confused and shocked by this. Can you please do me the courtesy of explaining how I have been rambling and what I said was nonsense to you? It might be best to take this to PM. I am open to a constructive an polite conversation to remedy the issue and am open to the discussion.

That's OK, I sometimes ask politely if I may have the name of who I am speaking with. No, that didn't 'rub me the wrong way', and I respect anyone, including yourself who wishes to remain anonymous and withhold their private information/ name. So, I am not sure why you think that has made me upset with you. And furthermore, I am not sure what relevance this has to the matter at hand. Can you please explain what sort of 'behaviour' of mine you are connecting to your assumption that I am upset that you did not give me your real name, @Scout Trooper? As I think my behaviour has been sound, fair, polite and respectful.

I understand that. And thank you for letting me/ the thread know. But I don't think your reaction above was the right one, or fair at all, @Scout Trooper. I think some tact and sensitivity would have been the right approach in responding. I think that a simply apology and telling me that you meant nothing by it was all that was really needed. That is what I would have done. But instead, you decided to be hostile and bully me. You chose to lean into me with a psychoanalysis based on assumptions, bully me and involve someone else unfairly. And your repeated mention of my mental health and telling me, 'clearly you are not OK' is very patronising, hurtful, inappropriate and upsetting. Telling someone they are not OK instead of asking them kindly if they are OK and showing empathy is off and wrong, to me. It speaks a lot to your lack of empathy and sensibility to treat other people/ myself kindly and fairly, especially someone who is taking their time and effort to detail their process that can serve as a reference to others doing their own projects.

This is bully behaviour, @Scout Trooper and reeks of bitterness. You are coming across as just making this very personal now and seem bitter and hostile by involving another person that has nothing to do with the matter. Can you please stop this, @Scout Trooper? @01010011antiago has nothing to do with what you posted and my reaction to it. That is between you and I. People are free to their opinions and who they choose to interact with. It is absolutely absurd that you have an issue with 01010011antiago's engagement and "constructive criticism" that he has provided to me and questioning who he chooses to engage with his very controlling and oppressive.

It seems to me that you do, @Scout Trooper. As per my above point, questioning if 01010011antiago is sure if he wants to engage with me and help me reeks of maliciousness, bitterness and jealousy. For why would you be against someone positively helping someone else? Especially if you have no "ill-feelings" towards me? After @01010011antiag0's kind message of support and encouragement, I got back to my contributions to the thread in a positive manner, and this is how you choose to react and behave? I am ashamed by this behaviour, @Scout Trooper.

As I alluded to in my reply to your meme about me, we are all here with mutual interests and should be here to help one another and be kind and supportive of each other, which is all that I have been doing here; I just want to be able to come on here and use the forum and contribute to this thread like everyone else and to do so in a peaceful and happy way. But you are now really making me feel unwelcomed and like I am not allowed to do this, with no fair and justified reason that I can fathom from your responses above.

With respect, if you wish to discuss and resolve this matter amicably in private, I am happy to do so. But I please ask you, can you please stop this hostile behaviour towards me and @01010011antiago?

I'm not reading any of that.

I stated my position clearly. There's nothing to discuss / debate as far as I'm concerned, nor do I care to drag this on further.

Do as you please I guess. Just don't address or make mention of me going forward. I want no association between us.
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Supermad Blade Hunter Rick Deckard Modifications

I think this is a lovely figure with a superb head sculpt and paint app but I found the stock body a let-down and limited. The head is actually one of the very best I have, even compared to some of the customs I have. I was very surprised by this and I didn't realise just how great it is until a couple or so days into owning the figure. I know Ray AKA rfcustomfigures didn't like the hair paint app. I agree it looks rather incongruous but I can overlook it and am not fussed about that right now.


The stock figure has a nice strip of belly padding

Rick Flared Arms

The stock body had a wobbly torso/ legs and the TTM19 clone body and arms meant that the arms couldn't fall naturally and close to his sides and overall, made using and enjoying the figure difficult and sub-part for me. I found that the belly padding was also too much, so took this off. The padding fastens with Velcro and might be handy for another figure you may have if you don't want to use it on this one. I salvaged the 2x foam disc pads inside and played around with cutting and shaving it with a taper to try bulking up another belly with some belly fat and to close the gap between the belly and chest on one of the bodies I built for my Crusade Indy. But I scrapped the idea in the end, though it looked OK.

I built a new body for him comprised of:

- HTs Leto Joker (same as ANH and Solo Story) thighs
- Other brand lower legs (a bit slimmer than HTs Leto Joker)
- Leto Joker Waist
- Belly frame from another matching/ very similar TTM19 clone. I damaged/ scared the stock belly frame in removal since it had to be hacked apart to remove and gain access to parts, if I recall.
- Stock Supermad chest frame
- Stock Supermad chest piece carved slimmer to let arms fall to sides
- Stock Supermad arms, with the shoulder joints lubricated with 100%/ pure silicone oil. The stock joints were extremely squeaky. I overdid the oil, however and they are a bit too loose for my liking now, not sure if this will stiffen over time. But they seem to hold poses still and I only really want his arms at his sides like I have my clean and bloodied Officer K's.

I really admire the congruity between the face and upper body, the older/ aged skin matches his face sculpt and paint app very well, I find. Funnily, the face and chest and arm tones don't really / fully match if you compare side by side but I don't think you really ever notice this at all when on display.

I made my own belly padding using my go-to self securing/ grip support bandage for such and similar jobs. He ideally needs another layer or two to be screen accurate, I feel, but might leave him as is. I do need to reassemble him as had taken him apart to check and try parts for another figure again.

The Leto Joker legs/ thighs are probably the very best and my favourite of all the many legs/ thighs I have on a figure and for parts due to a. how strong yet smooth they are and articulate, and b. I really like the sculpt work (originally made for Ford/ Solo) and its glossy plastic finish in use and aesthetic look. The new legs have made Deckard rock solid now with zero wobble. Despite how nice it worked out, I'm actually tempted to try some other thighs/ legs before I reassemble him and to save the Leto Joker waist and thighs for something else.

Before and after. If I recall correctly, the new Leto Joker legs also have a bit of meat on his legs which look better and not as off-putting/ peculiar, I find. But the stock trousers are very skinny, so it might just be that.


I recall stripping the shoulder joint screw hole(s), which can easily happen no matter how careful you are. So, I might try to fix that to reinforce his arms if I can. I think I'll try extended his ankles a tad to get him a bit taller, if he looks any shorter/ too short compared to Officer K, since Gosling and him are about the same height and my K's are notably tall. In all, I'm very happy with his improvements thus far.
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I added Backbox's Niander Wallace a a few weeks ago. I like having him sitting down in a menacing pose to contrast both K's standing positions.

To my surprise, the body is a HTs ANH clone. It is poorer in quality, with larger traps, a slightly slimmer neck and a few other differences. I didn't compare the legs.

The kimono is nice but the sculpt isn't much to look at but I like the likeness and it does the job. The right lighting helps to show this head off nicely.

Inspecting the new Nexus-9 model.



The trio together.

I started work on my lightly weathered clean K recently. Have been trying various leg options and kitbashes with a Maha body which works with the Blackbox and Supermad garments very nicely. The Maha chest is also very similar to Gosling's, though the overall ability of the body to work with the outfit is paramount for me.

On a DiD Advanced 2.0 body with Supermad trousers, Blackbox coat, jumper and boots. He's too short compared to bloodied K, though and I really dislike how the DiD alves/ lower legs legs taper in.

I opted for the perfectly pale, strong hands I had spare from a SSC KOTCS figure. The partially clenched left hand is a nice touch and change for expression compared to Bloody K's open palm. I was able to puncture the holes fresh and for the larger HTs size pegs, I love how they 'click' in, it's rare that hands fit so snugly and tight, it just feels nice and are easier to work with.

I find the Blackbox coat is a pain to work with and futz. The Supermad coat in contrast, I find far more malleable and didn't' take long to shape correctly with just my fingers. It's wires are also a nice tough for posing and fine-touches. I'll probably wax the Clean K Blackbox one and see how I can fix the collar and lapels in place nicely and neatly. My bloodied K's one is perfectly futzed and fixed in place, however.


An earlier body build comprising of Maha torso and thighs with AT011 lower legs and KOTCS hands.

The above build was my favourite to date but I couldn't get the height exactly the same with these legs despite trying various height extender options and variations.

Left: Maha + clone TTM19 legs. Right: Maha + clone TTM19 thighs plus other lower legs, not bad and gave the closest height to bloodied K but not the right look, as the trousers should fit looser, I think.

I opted for the Supermad jumper for clean K and went back to Blackbox trousers, which look very similar in shade (lighter than my bloody K pair) to the trash-dump scene. Both coat and trousers are really nicely weathered, similar to the film but doesn't show much at all in these photos.

I'm going to play around with height again and though I've been back and fourth a few times with bloody K, I did really like the slimmer Blackbox body look for him and am missing it now looking at him on the AT020. Gosling is just shy of Ford's height, so Deckard and K really should be about the same height, though I think Deckard is a tad shorter at the moment.