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This movie was total crap
you’re getting it mixed up with your taste in movies
This movie was total crap
you’re getting it mixed up with your taste in movies
seen this 5 times already...cant believe anybody could love TLJ after this...
If TLJ was NOT SW...I agree...BR series and POTA series both new and old my favorite Sci fi films all timeI love The Last Jedi.
And also love BR2049.
Adults are allowed to like loads of things at the same time, lol.
I reckon BR2049 is a cut above almost everything else i have ever seen, but i don't have to love it to the exclusion of everything else.
The Last Jedi occupies a strange niche in Star Wars by being very different from what we are all used to, but i don't think it means it's bad. Just different. I think that, in time, The Last Jedi might be judged less harshly. Time will tell.
I watched this film for the 3rd time at the weekend....it really is a wonderful film. Very few films out there that top the first.
That's pretty cool.
I've never seen the theatrical version, and probably never will. I saw the "director's cut" when I watched it the first time. And I even saw "The Final Cut" in its limited theatrical release. That's the only version I watch now.
It is very slow though. It's hard to get through it one sitting.
Deckard is a Replicant. It couldn't be made more clear in that version of the movie.
(Although....IF Deckard was human, he'd have been born in the late 70s.
I remember that a lot of you thought that K's "Joi" was "special" and was somehow capable of love and emotions. I didn't see it that way. Joi is a product; nothing else. People tried to insist she'd somehow gained sentience and was "different" than the other Joi programs. She wasn't. Her first conversation revolves around music trivia, like amazon or itunes trying to sell you a song. K buys the Emanator, an expensive device that lets her leave the room. But to me, that just seemed like an upsell to people who already have home Joi units. She's only there to take K's money and give it back to the Wallace Corporation. She cries when he's upset. She's happy when he's happy. Pretty decent fake girlfriend programming, but nothing more in my opinion.
In the spring I saw an art exhibit featuring the works of Syd Mead. Afterwards, I ended up buying the hardcover of his movie designs, and that inspired me to track down some toys. I got the Spinner made by Medicom a few years ago. It was expensive. Hollow and fragile too...felt some buyer's remorse after that.
View attachment 463582
I also bought a Medicom TRON lightcycle while on my Mead kick...
View attachment 463583
Anyway, back to Blade Runner....
I'd been meaning to rewatch it all year, since it's 2019. And then after Rutger Hauer died, it really seemed like it was time to watch it again.
I've never seen the theatrical version, and probably never will. I saw the "director's cut" when I watched it the first time. And I even saw "The Final Cut" in its limited theatrical release. That's the only version I watch now.
Blade Runner holds up. The sets are amazing, the characters are interesting....Sean Young was hot as hell with that black eye shadow and bright red lips. Roy's death scene as poignant as ever. It's a timeless classic.
It is very slow though. It's hard to get through it one sitting.
Deckard is a Replicant. It couldn't be made more clear in that version of the movie. I like to think they "activated" him about an hour before they meet him at the noodle place. He's sitting there, thinking he's human, thinking he's this badass that's killed a bunch of Replicants...but really he's about an hour old, and all those memories are implants. Of course Bryant is gonna play along, pretend they have a history together. Deckard's apartment and all those old photos are just props, like Rachel's old photo was. There's probably a whole series of "Deckards" that have lived in that apartment over the years. Either they got killed on the job or they finished the job and got "retired." It's too bad she won't live....but then again who does?
(Although....IF Deckard was human, he'd have been born in the late 70s. Meaning he's around my age. I can't believe I never made that connection any time I watched the movie back in the 90s....that I'd be around the same age as Deckard in 2019. Weird.)
So after that, I decided it's finally time to give Blade Runner 2049 another try.
Remember when the movie came out and I said it was really beautiful, but too boring?
I was wr.....I was wr.....I was wro.....premature in my judgment.
Hmmm. Where to start? I remember that a lot of you thought that K's "Joi" was "special" and was somehow capable of love and emotions. I didn't see it that way. Joi is a product; nothing else. People tried to insist she'd somehow gained sentience and was "different" than the other Joi programs. She wasn't. Her first conversation revolves around music trivia, like amazon or itunes trying to sell you a song. K buys the Emanator, an expensive device that lets her leave the room. But to me, that just seemed like an upsell to people who already have home Joi units. She's only there to take K's money and give it back to the Wallace Corporation. She cries when he's upset. She's happy when he's happy. Pretty decent fake girlfriend programming, but nothing more in my opinion.
I didn't like the music. Just loud BWAAAAAAAHHHMMMM all the time. No subtlety at all. And the sound was awful....going from too quiet to LOUD NOISES!!!! all the time.
The movie had some really, really good shots. Painfully beautiful....the cars flying through the city in the rain......it was really nice. But the original still managed to do it better. I guess that's the benefit of being "first." When I think of cars flying through the rain in a gritty urban metropolis, I'm gonna picture the original, with the giant Geisha lady, not the Joi hologram.
I don't know that this was a necessary sequel. Tying it to the original might have been a mistake. Would it have been better if it made no allusions to the original characters? Would it have been more successful as a straight remake; as in, could it have succeeded as a retelling of the original with modern day effects where remakes like RoboCop and Total Recall failed?
It was about an hour too long, I can tell you that.
I rolled my eyes at the whole "Revolution" of the army of Replicants. There's another trope in futuristic dystopian sci-fi movies I could do without. Which reminds me....am I nuts or did we already see those giant naked women statues with BJ mouths in "A.I.?" Anyone even remember that movie?
At the end of the day, it did a lot of things right, at least visually. Story wise, I still think it kinda stunk a little. Nothing really innovative. Nothing we haven't seen dozens of times in the last 25 years of sci-fi, over and over again.
But it looked breathtaking, I'll give it that. I'd have enjoyed it more if the music and sound wasn't so intentionally jarring.
I liked pretty much all the actors. Gosling did his silent tough guy thing. Ford was good in his brief appearance. I liked Jared Leto, like always. The assassin was a decent villain. I even liked Robin Wright, and that's hard to do cause I see her and associate her with Claire Underwood, who is a thoroughly detestable character. So I thought "oh here we go again" with her as a woman of authority, but she actually brought more warmth and humanity to her role here than she did for Claire. I could have done without the "hooker with the heart of gold" and the missing eye Resistance leader though.
In the end, I'm gonna chalk it up as a movie that looks way better than it has any right to, but sadly doesn't have anything new to say. Kind of like how I felt when "Sleepy Hollow" came out 20 years ago. From the trailers, it was the most atmospheric, Halloween-y, Tim Burton-y movie ever made. Great cast and it looked utterly stunning.....but......the story sucked. Just absolutely stunk. I can't even sit through it. So, it's best to just watch the trailer and get a feel of the atmosphere, and that's that.
I think if I want to revisit this gorgeously realized world, I'll just stick to the highlights:
I still don't buy the "Deckard was a replicant" interpretation. We're to believe that he was specifically designed to hunt and destroy replicants even though he couldn't go toe to toe with your average pleasure model? Nah.
I'm inclined to agree with you Khev but mainly because I prefer Deckard as a human and that is how the screenplay was written and how Harrison played the part.
However, if Deckard was a replicant I don't think they would make him able to go 'toe to toe' with a pleasure model or any replicant for that matter otherwise the illusion would be shattered and he would know beyond doubt that he was a replicant. They can always role the next Deckard off the conveyer belt if this one fouls up.
Deckard was human in the novel as well.
Well if they inexplicably gave him memories of random unicorns running through the forest then I don't think they were that concerned with maintaining any illusion that he was human, lol. So in my mind it still doesn't work. If he's a replicant and they deliberately made him weak to hide his own nature from himself then they should have given him corresponding human memories as well. Since the unicorn is supposedly the primary indicator that he isn't human then his "weaker than any replicant" strength makes no sense given his job.
Best to just assume that he was human as every other scene and Ford's performance indicates and that he just randomly daydreamed about a unicorn when sitting at the piano.
Very true and I know that Scott himself has gone on record many times saying that Deckard is a replicant even though I believe that like Lucas before him it's a completely retroactive claim. I agree that the film works best to allow for both interpretations (and I freaking *loved* that BR 2049 kept the door open on that particularly ambiguity as well) and to not definitively say one way or another.
Like the "was it all an implant or was it real" ambiguity of the original Total Recall it's just one of those things that's more fun to speculate about than have totally spelled out.