I do want one of those guns.
Loved the way K popped people with efficiency and precision. Never saw anything like that in the first.
Yeah, that's why Deckard ain't a replicant.
Speaking of Batty. While I think 2049 is superior to the first one in every way, Roy Batty is waaaay better than Wallace and Luv. No contest. Batty was the best character in Blade runner.
That's just a blanket accolade, could mean anything, #1 movie in the world in people walking out or something, stuff like that.
You usually see that accolade when a movie needs a boost at the box office.
I was trying to be gentle, Chicharrón.
Any company picking up the 1/6 license for this?
Did Joi really love K, or was it just her programming to "care" about the average Joe?
I couldn't tell if the advertisement as he's was walking on the bridge infuriated him because he came to the realization that nothing was real, or that he was grieving and that ad was a reminder that he lost her.
did any of them really do what they were doing out of free will?
Do any of us?
Is there really free will? Or are we all collecting because of a deep-seeded need to control our environment and relive happy moments of our past?