Super Freak
Get Ridley on board for Production and get Nolan to direct and we'll talk.
Get Ridley on board for Production and get Nolan to direct and we'll talk.
You'll get Uwe Boll and deal with it!
<object width="459" height="55"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <param name="flashvars" value="autoplay=false&dataPath="></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="autoplay=false&dataPath=" width="459" height="55" wmode="transparent"></embed></object><span style="font-size: 9px; color: #ddd; display: block; width: 440px; margin-left: 5px;"> (<a href="" style="color: #aaa;">Link</a>) View more <a href="" style="color: #aaa;">John F. Barmon Jr. Sound Clips</a> and <a href="" style="color: #aaa;">Spaulding Smails Sound Clips</a></span>
Has anybody read the K. W. Jeter sequel books, and are they any good?