Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1
Same here. I want their Lecters, but I'm not going to bother PO'ing them.
Same here. I want their Lecters, but I'm not going to bother PO'ing them.
Definitely keeping my order for these but blitzway would have to make something I want pretty bad to ever get another preorder from me.
It's hard to keep track of things here...but am I correct in saying that we still have no idea if these have even shipped from China yet?
Correct. Last we know is they are still in china. If they have not shipped via boat yet we are looking at mid December before we get them in the us as I believe it is about a 4 or 6 week trip across the ocean and time to clear customs.
I feel for you guys ! I was interested in getting these figures at one point, but decided against it. Still have the thread as subscribed, so came back today to see what had happened. Unfortunately nothing.....really hope they can make it for Xmas, you deserve that at least !
I am not losing a wink of sleep...they will arrive at my door when they arrive at my door. The figures have not been canceled and the retailer is not stealing my money.
Like ECTO-1?
Levity aside, I really don't understand why there is utterly no information about these, and why trying to get information about them seems to be more difficult to obtain than case files on the existence of extra terrestrials. I'm not sure what the big secret is.
Confirming the Ghostbusters have shipped from Asia.
Confirming the Ghostbusters have shipped from Asia.
Thanks for the info, any idea when they shipped?
What I heard was Sunday.
One could still cobble together a 4-pack without getting the actual 4-pack. BBTS for instance has each figure (sans Winston) still available as a single purchase, and I think Winston is still available as a single purchase at places like Flossie's and AlterEgoComics.
I think it still comes to roughly the same price ($896), but of course you don't get the extra added accessories, namely Slimer since that's probably the most relevant one of the three. However, the point is that it is still possible to still get all four or three without having to get the official 4-pack or 3-pack respectively.
I initially started out with only the 3-pack from BBTS for my PO last year, but earlier this month, went back and swiped Winston also from BBTS as a single purchase after it had initially sold out but then momentarily showed as in stock again, now again shows as sold out after I snared it. Comes to exactly the same price as the 4-pack, but at least I'll still get Slimer, which is really the only accessory I have an interest in.
Free stuff of course is always good because I'm sure both the GB sign and barricade can be sold on the secondary market for something, but eh, whatever.