Super Freak
If anyone is after a Venkman, Spengler or Zeddemore, then drop me a PM. I'm in the UK.
John, how come Winston is so much more expensive? Is he much rarer or more in demand? Not criticising in deny way, just interested.
Not the best of photos I'll admit. I'm still trying to get the hang of my new slr. Either way here's a little Slimer and Ray reunion for you guys. This is the custom Slimer I made a few months back.
Tom, When we first started to take orders for these we had a Free Shipping sale. And that ran for quite a long time. Thing is, it turned out that the boxes were much, much larger than I expected they would be. And that means all those free shipping sales had to be paid for by us. Some of the shipping bills were over $70.
After it was clear we had some collectors abandon their orders, we made those figures available for sale again. We had to raise the prices on them to help us recover from our free shipping sale blunder.
I hated to do it. I even added a note on the product pages apologizing for the increased prices. I think I may have forgot to put that on Winston's page though.
So I have a proton pack received broken.
Your slimer is creepy. I mean that in a good way.
Great pics, Riggs! What camera did you get?
Thanks. lol I based it on the puppet suit the fx team built and its a little creepier than what we remember.
Just picked up a Nikon D3400 a week ago. It can do better but I'm still figuring out all the little eccentricities.
Wanna buy one? I have a spare. I just needed the male side of the buckle.
Okay, the waist strap from the proton pack on my Peter doesn't reach far enough to clasp. What am I doing wrong?
If you haven't done so already or aren't privy of it, you're able to adjust the length of the strap on the side of the male connector.