So what exactly will they replace? If the connectors on the belt are broken do they send you new connectors and expect you to fit them? If the neutrona wand is broken (on my Ray figure it has come apart) do they send you a whole new proton pack?
Okay, thanks. I might give it another try. I wound up just letting the straps hang because they were holding too much weight (I had to push the proton pack up in order to make them connect.)
Sorry if this was mentioned already. I don't have time to sift through the thread to see.
People keep telling me that they are getting told to contact the store they bought their Ghostbusters from and that's wrong.
If you bought the Blitzway Ghostbusters Special Pack, 3-Pack or a single figure and you have a defective part that needs replacing, do this:
1. Take a photo of the defective part.
2. Take a photo of your invoice from the store you bought it from. Flossie's, Timewalker, etc.
3. Send both photos along with an explanation of the problem to [email protected]
They have a shipment of replacement parts on the way and they will deal with your problem directly.
I swear I remember reading something about them doing another run before Ecto-1 comes out.
Yea I remember this also , but I think it was not confirmed.
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When does the Ecto come out? What's the window for this possible 2nd run?
I haven't heard back from Timewalker, so I gave this a shot.
It'll happen. I really cannot see them not doing it again. These were bought up everywhere and are very hard to find on any retailer's site.
I sent Timewalker an e-mail, and they got back to me same day. Said they had gotten a few complaints, and they asked me to send photos showing the problems. I did, and they said they would keep me apprised.
I hope so, but didn't I Am Toys dismiss the idea of a second run?