Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface- FULL SPEC- new production paint app pics

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That's the one nitpick I've got if any.
No socks. Not a big problem though , can always pick a pair up.

Yeah, in person it looks MUCH better with socks.
He looked kind of strange without them so I had to sort it out.
You should get some too mate. Just find some 1/6 white socks and dye them with some watered down acrylic paint.
Let them fully soak in the paint for a few seconds, remove them and squash the paint out of them, then let them dry.
Takes about 3 dye jobs to get it dark enough. Let them dry before each dye.
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Is anyone displaying this without the jacket ?.
I am and like the look better , he looks a little thin but the jacket seems to big to me.
Ah awesome. Sorry , I'd missed those shots somehow. Thanks.
I need to watch the movie again , been a while. I might just wait until the blu ray release now.
Ah awesome. Sorry , I'd missed those shots somehow. Thanks.
I need to watch the movie again , been a while. I might just wait until the blu ray release now.

Also remember that the jacket is supposed to be slightly big. It was that way in the film.
I didn't want to post this in the EB Scarface thread 'cause I've already spent a couple of posts in there being a bit unkind about the dark-suit figure in particular.

But am I the only one who thinks EB messed up the white suit? It looks like flanellette for heaven's sake. If I'm kind I could say that the lighting is blowing out the detail, but it looks like they completely ignored the texture of that suit. Chalk up another point to BW for the suit IMO.

I do wonder how hard it would've been for BW to include a single pair of red socks though.

Edit: took a closer look at the pics in the EB thread, the texture is there and it does appear to be just the lighting blowing it out. Still looks a bit furry though. Maybe that's down to my crap eye for detail too.
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The sunglasses and the removable watch are the two things from the EB Scarface I'd have liked to see transferred over. They can keep the rest. I don't like the way the white suit looks, it's too small to me. BW's shoes even look superior. The suitcase of coke is a nice accessory for him but it's not for that version. The suitcase only fits with the Hawaian shirt Tony.

In the movie was the belt black or white? EB's is black but BW's white. I'll have to check the film again but wanted to see if anyone knew first.

I really hope BW intend to make a final battle Scarface too. Include a coke desk or a gun cabinet with it, even the railing as display. I'm kind of positive it would top EB's in the sculpt department.
Then all we need is Hawaian shirt Tony and the blue suit version and it's all complete.
Watched scarface yesterday, first time for my girlfriend, the problem now is that she really hates Tony for shooting Manny so she do not like having the figure on display :p
In the movie was the belt black or white? EB's is black but BW's white. I'll have to check the film again but wanted to see if anyone knew first.

Black, or dark brown. Was pretty thin and his shirt hangs over it most of the time.

Thanks for the killer pics guys, makes the wait a bit easier. Only a little bit though. :wink1:
I'd buy em if they were the same colour as that shirt. I was just going to buy some white or black ones but they wouldn't look as good.
So Blitzway still haven't announced who there working on next? I can't wait to see who it'll be. They couldn't of hoped for a better 1st release & response from there new customers.