Yo andy.I'm sorting the living room out (change around) wifey's idea of course!! once I sort it i'll take some pics (low quality of course).
give blitzway an email steve,explain the fact you PO bruce and were under the impression a gold plaque came with PO.etc.YOU NEVER KNOW BUDDY.
it's glued steve if I remember (ahgnus)I think I spelt it correctly who used to mod things on here swapped the ETD head 1002 around with the WOTD 1003 head.
so I suppose it's possible.although the skin tone is darker on the 1008..looks like bruce has been sunbathing.
Hey guys just wanted to give you a heads up here in this thread as I can't officially start a new thread about it but Start saving up because the next Blitzway Bruce Lee will be absolutely INCREDIBLE!! Trust me!! I'm not at liberty to say any information at the moment as I've been sworn to secrecy but I have seen it and.... OH ... MY .... GOD!! 'Nuff said.
Hehe. Nothing yet. But information is coming soon! Once I get the a-ok. I'll post something but by then I'm sure you guys will already know.. Just trust me mates!
Well I am very curious now !
....not sure if this has been covered somewhere in the thread, but do you know people at Blitzway? How did you come by the info ?
Hey guys just wanted to give you a heads up here in this thread as I can't officially start a new thread about it but Start saving up because the next Blitzway Bruce Lee will be absolutely INCREDIBLE!! Trust me!! I'm not at liberty to say any information at the moment as I've been sworn to secrecy but I have seen it and.... OH ... MY .... GOD!! 'Nuff said.