I think HT made a couple of nice casual BL figures, with a really good likeness, but wow are they boring now. Those figures, although pretty well executed, simply don't hold my interest. & those figures might actually have the closest likeness to BL, ever mass produced so far. A casual BL sounds cool, but maybe get the movie figures/statues right before going that route.
Knowing me, I can picture myself going crazy over a casual BL with a stellar sculpt, & forget those words![]()
Which is probably the main reason why those figures are the lowest selling figures that Hot Toys ever made and hence, why they got drastically reduced in price to $100 on the sideshow website.
Which is probably the main reason why those figures are the lowest selling figures that Hot Toys ever made and hence, why they got drastically reduced in price to $100 on the sideshow website.
I picked up both MIS casual figures. The suited Bruce I really dig, I've got him next to my work monitor. When I'm having a crap day I can see Bruce in my peripheral vision, in the director's chair wearing sun glasses and showing a thumbs up. The figure makes a nice change up of mood in the overall display.
On the other hand, the casual Bruce became nothing more than a spare body to dress in an EtD boxing.
How dare you insult casual Bruce!
I loved him lounging back in the sun chair! chilling in ridiculous 70s clothes, giving me the peace sign from the shelf !
I think Arnie's departure also had a bit to do with their bargain bin status. Had HT been able to proceed with the line, they would've sold better I reckon.
We're they really the lowest selling?
....or did Hot Toys produce enormous amounts of them (with the same sculpt and zero accessories) thinking people would just lose their minds with Arnie Kim arriving at Hot Toys?
I have no idea.
In my rush for an EtD boxing portrait I forgot all about the peace sign! You may just have saved my casual Bruce from a life in a box
I guess it was the same portrait thing too... felt a bit weird having Bruce twins on the shelf![]()