Sorry Nuri, but IMO if have to do a type of mod to a statue or figure such as repainting or blending something in then that means the statue or figure has a major flaw. That being said, at least with most statues it isn't noticeable from a distance.
Well I wouldn't really say you HAVE to do it, the piece certainly makes a nice display as is, but this is really subjective. You may look at it in person and it may be a deal breaker for you. So far, from the people in this thread who own it, I don't think I've seen anyone complain about it too much where it ruins the piece for them. Everyone seems to agree that the sweat generally looks horrible, but most people here seem to be happy overall with the piece.
As i said, there isn't a huge amount of sweat on the statue, so it doesn't detract from the overall piece on display, but this may depend on the lighting in your room. I'm generally pretty fussy, and it's why I want to do the sweat apps properly as I like to get up close to my statues and admire the details and like them to look perfect, but if I felt the sweat ruined the piece I would have certainly sent it straight back.
Hmm ok, guess it depends on the individual to, like some might think he is too pale and others might think he looks fine the way he is.
Yeah this sort of thing is subjective as well, and I did mention that I also thought he was a tad too pale, but I didn't think it looked bad or ruined the piece for me. For me it was one of those things that whilst it could have been done better (in this case, darker skin tone), it still looks good as is. I have nothing to compare to though, so maybe that's why others feel different about it as they have other Bruce statues with darker skin tone to compare.
Well please get back to me on that, it sure would be good thing to know.
I checked for you last night steve and the drips/drops are just painted dots underneath the sculpted cuts. They are not sculpted.
Yeah I believe nongshim noticed the same thing (leans in real life, but appears straight in photo).
I think a couple of people had some minor problems, but nothing like leaning or anything like that. Some might of had major problems but I think it was really rare like a few people on you tube?
I think the quality was the same on pretty much every piece. This is why everyone was so excited and couldn't believe how good the QC was compared to sideshows.
Yeah it's almost like the 2 statues were made in 2 completely different factories. It's a shame the same sort of care wasn't put into their second piece.
That's my point they have never done one so I am wondering will they be able to make it look realistic or will it look cartoony like the rest of their statues, which granted are meant to look cartoony, since they are based on video game characters.
I have faith that they will, just based on how Jerry has spoken about the Conan statue on SF. As you said, all their previous pieces are meant to look cartoony due to the source material they are based off, so I'm not gonna judge based on that. You'd think if they are going to go to the effort of making a 1:3 Conan with acrylic eyes and real hair, they are obviously aiming for something fairly realistic, and that's certainly the vibe I'm getting. They can't possibly do any worse than Sideshow anyway, lol, so at least we know it will look better than what they'd come up with.
What about likeness? Would you sacrifice that to? Since you are willing to sacrifice a bit of realism for a museum quality then you should pick up the GOD statue.
Likeness is important to me as it needs to look like the character it's based off. If it doesn't look like them it's useless to me. When I said realism, I was pretty much referring to paint job, and overall finish in general. A good example is Sideshow's Dutch PF. Arnie likeness is dead-on, but the overall piece has this obvious fake look to it. Has this grittiness to the finish like it's made of stone, like most PF's do, and I'm not bothered by this as the overall piece still looks really nice to me and doesn't look cheap in any way. Sculpt is great, clothing is fantastic, just looks and feels like a museum quality piece.
GoD Bruce is an interesting one. Definitely looks like the better piece in terms of quality, but even when it was first announced, I thought it was cool but it never really jumped at me like the EtD piece. Could just be my bias for EtD, but when I first saw Blitzway's pics I instantly thought to myself 'I must have this'. I didn't really get the same feeling with GoD, even though I thought it was very nice. I'm still considering it though and might check out SAB's statue, so I can see them side by side.