It does look bad in these close ups but Nuri, you can't just live with it and pose it so you can't see it? I mean after going through 3 statues, this one is the best one. At least it doesn't lean and correct me if I am wrong but isn't the Jawline better on this one than the first one
I don't really have a choice but to live with it Steve. This is the 3rd one Pop Cultcha gave to me, and they only gave it to me if I agreed to pay postage both ways, as they believed there was nothing wrong with the replacement they sent me, even though I sent them pics of it along with some pics of members' statues on here for comparison to show them that it did in fact lean. I didn't want to pay postage, so I took a day off work and drove down to pick it up. I'm not sure what they would say if I asked for a 4th one. I highly doubt they'd agree to it and at best, they'd offer store credit. I can't see them offering a 4th, and if they did and that one had problems too, what then?
Annoyingly, all 3 statues had something better than the other. The first one easily had the best paint job of the 3. It was flawless. Even the sweat apps were actually not too bad as they were a bit more subtle and the worst ones were on the back. It had the crappy seam on the head though.
2nd statue was an improvement in terms of the seam as the chin was flush, although one side wasn't too great, and a particular area that I thought was limited to the first statue I had was also present on this, so I realised it was something that affected all of them. Paint job was OK, no flaws, but I felt that the head sculpt wasn't painted as nice as my first, some areas of sweat were good, some were bad. Worst part was the lean. I don't know if it was just me, but it was one of those things that once I saw it, it was all I could see. To be honest, I don't really pose the statue in a way that makes the lean noticeable, but I do like to have the option to pose from front on, and thus, I just couldn't live with it.
My 3rd statue has a seam that is somewhat in between the first and second statue. Not 100% flush under the chin, still has a very slight step, but not as bad as the first. It's barely noticeable. The sides are better than the second statue. I realised at this point that it would be near impossible to find one of these with a perfect seam all round, and you'd probably need to open 10 in a row to find a good one.
Paint job is a mixed bag. The head sculpt is painted better than my 2nd one, but I'm not a fan of the sweat apps on this piece. some areas are not bad, but the ones on the stomach are really crap, and I think the sweat on my first head sculpt was the best. Looked the most realistic. This one I'm not a big fan of. Cuts are the same on all 3 and generally crap all round
Well good luck with that man, hope you can achieve the look you want.
Thanks man. Adding sweat to this shouldn't be hard, it's just a bit tricky to add it to certain areas like the hand and make it look natural, like it's supposed to be there.
This is one of the reasons why I passed on this and probably also one of the reasons Arnie left Blitzway, at least with GOD not many people had QC problems.
I don't blame you. I'll be honest Steve, it's really hard for me to recommend this statue to you or anyone else. Not because it's crap, but I think it's a beautiful statue that's poorly made, if that makes sense. The quality of this just varies too much from statue to statue, so you just don't know what you'll get. Sideshow isn't really any better, probably worse actually, but at least with Sideshow replacements/refunds are easy. This one is a bit of a lottery, and being in the same city as PC isn't really an advantage either as they won't just let you sit there and keep opening their statues until you find a good one.
Apart from the dodgy seam, which pretty much seems to be a problem on all of them to some degree, my first statue was probably the best and I really should have kept that, as everything else looked great and the seam isn't really that noticeable on display. Having gone through 3 of these now, I have seen how much the quality can vary from statue to statue. Whilst the issues may seem subtle to some, if you're anything like me you'll be bothered by it. Add to that the already crappy sweat which varies in terms of how bad it is from statue to statue, the horrible cuts, not to mention expensive price tag, it makes it hard to recommend this.
Normally when I get a crappy quality collectible, I simply pass on it, get a refund and walk away as I've done with some recent Sideshow pieces, but with this I'm persisting because it really is nice and Blitzway have provided the base for something that can be truly great with a little bit of effort. The sculpt, clothing, base, skin paint and head sculpt are all excellent IMO, just sadly let down by poor QC, poorly done cuts and poorly done sweat effect. If you do land a reasonable one, a better sweat application and blood application would make this one of the greatest collectables you'll see in person. Hell, if I knew of a local painter with epic skills, I would pay someone to repaint this for me. I wouldn't normally consider that on any collectible due to the cost of initial purchase, especially something that costs $1000 AUD, but I like it that much. Not that it needs a full repaint, but a pro paint job will take this to the next level and would truly make it museum quality.