yeah like shoo said,i've done that several times and no issues.
Remove it. Moving the whole thing might be much worse. If you remove it and then insert it again carefully, nothing bad should happen.
I hope Blitzway does a Jackie Chan statue some day. I would buy it in a heartbeat
I have just ordered one, cannot wait. mrchris is it possible for you to post an image of the seam on your figure or anyone else, so I can compare when mine arrives, just want to compare what a good connection and a bad connection looks like. does anyone think I made a good decision to buy this over the enterbay WOD 1/4. just having second thoughts.
thank you
the most imposing 2 Lee statues made.i don't think any more 1/3 scale will be made(unless Arnie can persuade storm)so even with the niggles both are great for any brucey collector