Yeah but I don't believe that is is the reason why they used it, I believe they used a flesh colored resin, so they didn't have to paint it.
There would be no point but they shouldn't of used something like translucent or a flesh tone color resin in the first place, unless they really did do it to achieve the most realistic look possible, but I am not buying it, especially since it looked like the prototype was fully painted and it looked amazing. I suspected that the torso was flesh colored resin because I thought that would be a cheaper and easier alternative than having to paint it flesh. Everything about this piece suggest that they cut corners so they could put the least amount of effort in. Decals for battle scars, using a flesh colored torso, so they wouldn't have to paint it and last but not least the sloppy way they painted the sweat.
Sideshow pieces don't look fake or cartoony because of base coats, they look fake and cartoony because their paint jobs are just poor. All their prototypes are painted with base coats and it doesn't hinder the realism, at least not on the body.
Maybe if it was translucent but it wouldn't look fake if it was just pure polystone like the GOD. The GOD body, arms and sculpt look the same color and apart from the sculpt those items were painted.
It's not just his pictures, it's most pictures, it just doesn't look like a good color except the one next to the GOD that he took.