Hey mate,
So yours also has that bit under the chin where the chin doesn't sit flush with the neck? If you look at my pics you'll know what I mean. Trying to work out if this is a QC issue or if others have the same problem. I got until tomorrow to contact Pop Cultcha.
He doesn't sit rigid in the hole on mine either. There is some slight movement if you touch him, and yes, I can move him around once he's in the peg hole.
When I place mine centre there is a slight lean to the left also, but it always looked normal to me. Didn't really look off. The lean is slight, but Bruce also isn't standing dead centre (don't think it's possible). I remove Bruce from the base whenever I move the statue around for photos, due to the weight and the fact that he sits loosely in the peg hole, and I don't always put him back in the same position. I did notice some slight lean when I moved him around the base but never really paid too much attention to it because it didn't look off.
See this photo for reference. It's front on and fairly close to the middle. How does this look to you? close to yours?
OK. I arranged my statue the way like you did in your photo with the foot peg hole in the middle towards the back. As mrchris stated, the torso on your statue is level whereas I can still see the lean on mine. Going back to the nipples (again) the ones on your statue are on the same level but on mine the right one is lower so that means there is a lean. It's more apparent in the 2nd photo. Also the ab cuts on your statue are horizontal, mine aren't totally horizontal in that position. My statue does have a bit sticking out around the neck seam but I didn't think it was such an issue because you can't see it unless you go right up close.

So looks like I have to contact popcultcha...