Super Freak
Re: Blomkamp/ Aliens (rejected project)
Yeah, I like A:R too, just not as much as 3.
Yeah, I like A:R too, just not as much as 3.

Hated the chicken legs in Resurrection. What was the explanation for that change, if there even was any?
But I never got why the xenos looked different in Aliens from Alien from a story perspective.
Hated the chicken legs in Resurrection. What was the explanation for that change, if there even was any?
The DNA from Ripley and the Queen was fragmented.
They used chicken DNA to fill in the gaps.
James Cameron explained it on one of the ALIENS documentaries years ago but I've long since forgotten it.I feel like it had something to do with the xenos in Hadley's Hope coming from a different Queen than the one that ended up on the Nostromo.
That was my problem with the Aliens in Resurrection. They came out of humans so they should have looked like the xenos from Alien or Aliens. The AR xenos had more in common with the Dog Alien than the others. But I never got why the xenos looked different in Aliens from Alien from a story perspective.
With regards to Blomkamp doing an Alien film, I could get behind it. I think the xeno helmet thing looks stupid but these are just ideas. I would love a badass Alien film again. I wish I had more excitement for Prometheus 2, but I just can't get excited over Ridley Scotts decision to move away from the classic Alien and focus on the Engineers. Never thought I would say they need to get rid of Ridley Scott from this project because I was so excited for his return to science fiction, but Fox should hire somebody who wants to steer the ship back on course so to speak. They should do what they used to do and hire an up and coming director with a fresh take on the material. It worked for Scott, James Cameron and David Fincher.
The DNA from Ripley and the Queen was fragmented.
They used chicken DNA to fill in the gaps.
I thought A:R was OK until the last act with the potato shaped vag belly alien.
Which we were apparently supposed to weep for as it got sucked out into space. Such a bizarre movie.
I was pretty much on board with it until the one guy pulled out his own brain and looked at it.
I've read that they decided the Aliens xeno's were more mature and their domes fall away. Nothing really contradicts this idea, the chestburster seen in Aliens has a smooth head like the '79 version while the adult Aliens had been around for a while by the time the marines reached LV-426.
Dunno 'bout ''fresh takes'' on the existing Alien - I mean that's kinda what I hate - when someone new comes in and makes something that doesn't feel or look consistent with what went before.
I've been going through the Blu Rays the past week, and I finished A:R earlier... it's so bad on so many levels. Even when I saw it as a dumb kid, I hated it.
As for a new vision....I just think someone with a passion for the material who has fresh eyes could benefit the series. Not so much design wise or anything, but that's what the Alien series used to be known for was finding a new upcoming filmmaker. Or the series is played out and it's beating a dead horse at this point. I just keep hoping for ONE more great Alien film. After Resurrection and the AVP films, the series deserves one more film to go out on a high note.
I cry every time the Newborn gets sucked out of the Betty.
That's about the best explanation I have heard for the head differences. Would have never thought of that...but it makes complete sense as the Aliens were there for awhile before the marines showed up.
As for a new vision....I just think someone with a passion for the material who has fresh eyes could benefit the series. Not so much design wise or anything, but that's what the Alien series used to be known for was finding a new upcoming filmmaker. Or the series is played out and it's beating a dead horse at this point. I just keep hoping for ONE more great Alien film. After Resurrection and the AVP films, the series deserves one more film to go out on a high note.
And I liked Prometheus...just wish it had more of an impact and didn't feel so like Fox was trying to start a new series. It was supposed to be the prequel to Alien. Wish it would have stayed that way.