Blue-Ray or HD DVD

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Honestly, I like both formats and I have no idea why it's turned into a "us" vs "them" for so many people.

One format may win eventually, but I think it's a couple of years away from being decided. Even if Blu Ray wins I will have a fairly large HD DVD collection that I'll keep.

I wam upgrading everything in my master bedroom soon and will most likely buy a combo HD DVD/Blu Ray player.
I have both and the PQ is dependent of the transfer of the movie but I have noticed more artifacts on my blurays vs hd dvds.

I have definitely noticed that as well with certain titles, but I always wonder whether that is because of the source/transfer or the format and assume it's the former. But I have a larger number of HD DVDs than Blu-ray discs, and have seen more bad looking BRs, which is the opposite of what you would expect by the numbers.

I continue to support both formats in the hope that the studios will at least see that there is minor consumer interest in high def home video sales. I don't want anybody else to pull a Fox and yank all of their releases off the schedule with no new announcements for months. If the money is there then the product will follow, but even if you combine sales for both high def formats we are still talking about incredibly insignificant sales numbers compared to standard DVD. Fox doesn't have much of a reason to release BR titles right now.
"House of Flying Daggers," but I knew that was a bad transfer when I picked it up for free from Amazon so I can't complain. I had some minor problems with titles like X-Men 3 and Night at the Museum, but titles like Casino Royale and Open Season looked fantastic. So I still think that it depends on the transfer more than the high def format.

Anyway, here's a quote from the head of Warner Bros, who is enthusiastic about the sales for 300 and had some interesting things to say about the benefits of supporting both sides of the format war:

"'300' is an amazing film, and the high definition sales we are seeing underscores the positive business benefits of supporting both HD DVD and Blu-ray," said Ron Sanders, President of Warner Home Video. "This phenomenal response to '300' is the latest proof that our approach makes the most sense in today's market and has enabled Warner Home Video to continue to lead the market in high definition sales."

Dual format releases like The Departed, Planet Earth and 300 continue to sell well to customers with either type of player, and the folks at Warner seem content to continue providing titles on both HD DVD and Blu-ray as that brings in the most money right now.

Call me lame, but is anybody going to get this for either Blu-ray or HD DVD?


Saw it in the theater :eek:, I think it would look great in HD.
Call me lame, but Amazon shipped mine yesterday!

And this time I got the HD DVD because my son can watch the standard DVD side in his room or in the van, etc.
Interesting! First I'd heard of that. A definite purchase for me when it comes out, although I would expect Lucas and Spielberg to wait a bit before allowing it. They seem to drag their feet when it comes to jumping into new formats--it took forever for those guys to allow their films onto DVD.

I thought they were always backwards compatible?

They might have been but I was under the impression that Blu-Ray players could not play standard DVDs. The BP1200 is supposed to enhance standard DVDs as well so it might be worth waiting until the price goes down on this one.
They might have been but I was under the impression that Blu-Ray players could not play standard DVDs. The BP1200 is supposed to enhance standard DVDs as well so it might be worth waiting until the price goes down on this one.

Nah, pretty sure they've always been backwards compatible. That would be like committing suicide if they weren't.

Also, pretty much any blu-ray player will enhance/upscale your DVD's for you, as long as you're using and HDMI connection. Hope this helps...