Well, I just received my Boba Fett PF yesterday and I gotta say...WOW! I'm really impressed with this piece. It's my first PF, and having seen other PF's on display at a local comic shop, I don't feel that this figure looks out of place in terms of PF quality. It's also heavier than I thought it would be after reading all the posts about how light it is being ABS instead of polystone...but still light enough that it won't tear the shelf off my wall, should I decide to display it on a wall shelf.
It definitely looks WAY better in person than a lot of the photos I've seen, and only took minor futzing to look exceptionally cool. I agree with some about some of the paint apps, particularly the helmet. Not that it looks bad by any means, but it's just lacking that 'grime' that Fett has. The silvery paint-chip scuffs are there, but I plan on adding some slight grime here and there. I do wish that the helmet flared out more at the bottom, to be more accurate, but in-hand, it doesn't really bother me as much as I thought it might...and I do really like the ball-jointed head...I've turned his helmet probably 15 or 20 times since I got it to change his look. I think it's a great feature. Over all, I'm pretty happy with it. It's an awesome size, and looks REALLY cool. I'm happy to add it to my collection. I know I'll get some WOW factor from friends who come into my place and see it. Oh, very, very slight kinked hoses on mine, nothing major, so it's all good.
One slight prob, my range-finder must have snapped in shipping. I've already contacted SS and see on the RS boards that if you pop the helmet off and ship it back, they'll send a replacement helmet, so that's what I'll have to do I guess...unless I want to scratch/customize it...might want to do that since the rod holding the range-finder is a bit flimsy anyways. I would have preferred something a little sturdier. We'll see.
Now we just need a 1/4 polystone frozen Han Solo WITH lights to hang up behind him. Give him something to be guarding. Now that would just be TOO cool!