The max market price is the max price the market will bear for a particular product. I know it doesn't have any effect on the pricing because all it takes is looking at every single console or PC game out, now or in the past, to see that pricing does not change based on piracy or lack thereof. I didn't say that corporations didn't lose money to piracy, I said that zero piracy (which is impossible regardless) wouldn't cause a reduction in prices, as is seen in consoles with zero piracy, or console gaming prices before piracy enters the picture. It's pretty simple.
One would think, given the range of consoles and PC games released, some which were damn difficult to pirate and some which were incredibly easy to pirate, there would be some real world proof of your assumptions, but I know that's not possible, since it doesn't exist.
Edit : This whole thing is veering a bit off topic so I'll let the thread get back on course, I'm out for the evening!