Hi guys,
Rather than replying the same thing to those who've contacted me through PM about the kilt, I'll reply here!
First I'm not saying yes or no about making them! Please wait a little and I'll give you my final reply.
The truth is it's not yet finished and I'm still not sure everything will come out all right. After I've photographed the fabric I've shown a few posts back, I've printed four others and two of them were less successful.
The method is all right, but the sticker paper isn't sticky enough, especially since the softener leaves the fabric somewhat greasy. As a consequence, on some papers, the fabric didn't stick right and was pinched by the machanism making some smears on the fabric.
Oh, and to reply one question, no it's printed on one side only.
So, please, before I can say yes or no, let me find another way to glue the fabric on the paper. Freezer paper would probably be great, but it's very hard to find in France.
Besides, I'm going to make a complete kilt first (to know the exact length of fabric needed) and if you like it, then I will try to print the exact amount of fabric needed for you.
Moereover, I don't know what to charge for it. I have to take into account the time it takes, the ink but also I have to find more similar fabric (I used an old cushion lining for mine).
But it's a promise, if I can find a way to make it right, I will make this for you!

Just give me a little time to solve the issues!
Hey, Boon, don't listen to the nitpickers! This sculpt is awesome and once painted will make a perfect Wallace!