Breaking Bad

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Breaking Bad spinoff moving forward!

"Plans call for Saul to be a one-hour prequel that will focus on the evolution of the popular Saul Goodman character [played by Bob Odenkirk] before he ever became Walter White’s lawyer," the studio Sony and AMC said in a joint statement.

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In regards to the Ozymandias poem, my first thoughts too were that the shattered statue/empire referred to Walter, but read a good review that made the case that while that could be true, it could also be referring to Gus (shattered visage/nothing left of the empire he built meticulously over 20 years) and Walter could just as well be the sculpter or traveller.

In regards to Hank, can't see how he can possibly live through next episode. As many have noted, that last conversation with Marie telegraphs that he's going to die or the writers are just messing with the audience, which I don't think they'd do. This isn't Dexter, dammit. It would just be completely unbelievable. Once you start shooting at cops, you've gone past the point of no return.

Info/speculation on a couple of spoilery points. There's been a lot of speculation about who spray paints "Heisenberg" on Walt's wall, but as I posted earlier, the writers in a 'making of Blood Money opener' have said that it is never revealed. It's not important who wrote it, whether Marie (which come on, really?), neo-Nazi home invaders or some neighbourhood punk. The purpose is to show that Walter's secret identity is now completely blown, as evidenced by his neighbour Carol's reaction to him.

I don't know if the neo-Nazis take his money (at this point they don't know it's there and Walt has no incentive to tell them) or force Walt to cook, but I do agree the M60 is most likely for them and the ricin for Jesse or Lydia.

Definitely don't think the neo's take Walter to some New Hampshire branch. Feel fairly confident something forces Walt to use the 'vacuum repair' disappearer service (which points to his money staying hidden, as Jesse took everything he gave to Saul and he needs a minimum of $150k to use the guy), get a new identity, lay low in NH, then return a few months later to go on a suicide mission (which he may survive).

Cool, glad it's a prequel as I didn't like the idea that we'd know in advance that he couldn't die. I like Saul and if anyone could survive this mess, it's him, but don't want it to be in the bank.
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In regards to the Ozymandias poem, my first thoughts too were that the shattered statue/empire referred to Walter, but read a good review that made the case that while that could be true, it could also be referring to Gus (shattered visage/nothing left of the empire he built meticulously over 20 years) and Walter could just as well be the sculpter or traveller.

In regards to Hank, can't see how he can possible live through next episode. As many have noted, that last conversation with Marie telegraphs that's he going to die or the writers are just messing with the audience, which I don't think they'd do. This isn't Dexter, dammit. It would just be completely unbelievable. Once you start shooting at cops, you've gone past the point of no return.

Info/speculation on a couple of spoilery points. There's been a lot of speculation about who spray paints "Heisenberg" on Walt's wall, but as I posted earlier, the writers in a 'making of Blood Money opener' have said that it is never revealed. It's not important who wrote it, whether Marie (which come on, really?), neo-Nazi home invaders or some neighbourhood punk. The purpose is to show that Walter's secret identity is now completely blown, as evidenced by his neighbour Carol's reaction to him.

I don't know if the neo-Nazis take his money (at this point they don't know it's there and Walt has no incentive to tell them) or force Walt to cook, but I do agree the M60 is most likely for them and the ricin for Jesse or Lydia.

Definitely don't think the neo's take Walter to some New Hampshire branch. Feel fairly confident something forces Walt to use the 'vacuum repair' disappearer service, get a new identity, lay low in NH, then return a few months later to go on a suicide mission (which he may survive).

Cool, glad it's a prequel as I didn't like the idea that we'd know in advance that he couldn't die. I like Saul and if anyone could survive this mess, it's him, but don't want it to be in the bank.

:goodpost: :clap
i think walt is
going to save jessie from getting killed by saying he needs him to help cook
I just saw an 18 sec clip from Ozymandias set...

Walt tells Skylar she needs to get in the house and pack a bag.
So I guess Walt makes it out alive w/o his car, and what looks like one barrel of his money.

spoiler image do not click
Missed this, very cool. Thanks for posting it, averagejo.

Since he was able to get a barrel and get back to Skyler, wonder if this points to him convincing the Nazis to take Jesse as a slave cook. Otherwise I can't see them letting Walt out of their sight after saving him, killing two DEA agents and desperately needing to improve their product.

i think walt is
going to save jessie from getting killed by saying he needs him to help cook
I find that unlikely. Jesse turned full rat and is partially responsible for both Hank and Gomez's deaths by luring Walter into their trap (I'm taking their deaths as a given, at this point). Plus he spit in Walt's face. Walt already wanted him dead before, no way is he going to forgive Jesse for all this. If Jesse lives, IMO it'll only be because Walt thinks having him be indentured to the Nazis is a fate worse than death.
I hate the idea of Walt trying to save Jesse from the Nazi guys eve after he betrayed him with Hank and spat on his face...

What is going to be Walter's breaking point? How many times is Walter going to have to save Jesse's sorry behind ? I mean Enough is enough. I really hope that it doesn't go that way....
Yeah, I think their separation at this point is permanent. If he lives I think Walt's really going to **** him over. Pretty sure Walt hates Jesse with a passion after this.
Jesse didn't have much of a life to begin with. Suffice it to say, I think the buck stops here. If Hank dies, it's a fair assumption that Walt, with his skewed view of reality, would blame Jesse for dragging them into it, and, since family is what's most important to Walt, it'd most likely be his breaking point, as far as Jesse goes.
Well, then maybe he shouldn't have ****ed up his life. Maybe he should've been nicer to the kid, and not jerked him around like a ****.

Jesse is the only person in this world that feels remorse for what he did. No other character cares about their actions.
Jesse should've known better. You want to be a criminal? You want to reap the rewards? Then don't grow a conscience when you have to get your hands dirty. I've always viewed this show as "the drug business isn't illegal because it's bad, it's bad because it's illegal." Point being, when these people start breaking the rules, anything goes. Jesse got involved with this **** before Walt was ever in the picture; hell, he was Walt's "in."
Ya know, Jesse never killed anyone when he cooked. He did his ****, made some money, and lived the "thug life". No one told him "GO KILL GALE." So.

Stop defending Walt. Guy's an ******* evil mudering *******. Easily the most evil on the show.

Doesn't mean he isn't awesome in every possible way, however.
I'm just saying, Jesse was more than happy to buy his house back when he was raking in millions of dollars. Gale, as seemingly harmless as he was, was a threat. He knew the formulas; his existence made Walt and Jesse expendable. I think you're failing to realize that Jesse's the reason for Gale; for all of it. He couldn't be happy with what he had; he wanted more, and Walt made the decision to bring him into the fold, thus, ruining the good thing he had going with Gale to protect Jesse. Be honest, if Jesse continued to make and sell that product, do you really think that Fring would just go along with that? No, he would've eliminated the competition.
Cool, glad it's a prequel as I didn't like the idea that we'd know in advance that he couldn't die. I like Saul and if anyone could survive this mess, it's him, but don't want it to be in the bank.

I too am very happy it's a prequel. :clap

Tone and structure will be different but hopefully it has the same dark humor as BrBd. I wonder if there will be a series arc? hmm
And i'm just saying Walt is an evil, unredeemable ******* who deserves every single thing that is coming to him.
They've set it up enough that he can both be punished, be victorious and redeem himself (to an extent). The final 3 should be interesting to say the least.

Good or evil, no one is 100% anything.