Marie is great to watch. Great character.
Walt will kill the guys holding Jessie and Walt will hand the gun to Jesse and Jesse will kill him them kill himself.
Marie is great to watch. Great character.
I love Todd lol. He is more creepier and more ruthless than even Tuco
because he seems quiet and stupid and then BAM! he shoots your gf in the back of the head...
Todd is Such a Freak.
You think that's bad; how about Bobby Canavale beating both Jonathan Banks AND Aaron Paul. I love Boardwalk empire, but, frankly, I think Paul deserved that one.
Interesting interpretation on the finale's title.
Fe-Li-Na = Iron - Lithium - Sodium ==> Blood - Meth - Salt (Tears)
Walt will kill the guys holding Jessie and Walt will hand the gun to Jesse and Jesse will kill him them kill himself.
How do you kill yourself with a M60?
What is this...I don't even...I posted this in the Dex thread too.
Here's my take with a twist...Walt got in touch with Dexter in Oregon. Dex wants to redeem himself for the absolutely* ****ty ending of his show plus he's bored chopping wood.Per Walt's request, Dex heads out to New Hamphire on his twin engine snow mobile. He helps Walt with his chemo and feeds him steaks and Ensure til Walt's strong enough to go after Jack and get all his money and avenge Hank's death.They head to New Mexico after a birthday breakfast at a NH cafe.*Once in NM Dex and Walt head to Jack's compound. Dexter injects the lookout with a dose of m99 and they sneak past the security cameras and enter the compound. They see Todd in the lab and see*Jesse beaten and tied up. Dexter creeps up on Todd injects him in the neck with the tranquilizer and throws him on a table. He wraps him in plastic and Walt in full kill gear asks Todd where is his money. Todd declines to answer Mr. White, so he stabs him. Jesse is horrified but at the same time elated and satisfied with what Walt has done. Dex unties Jesse and tells him to be quite or he'll get the "axe". Walt asks Jesse if he knows where Jack hid the money. Jesse says he doesn't know. Dex injects Jesse with M99 to keep him quiet and still so they can proceed with their plan w/o any complications. Dex locates the tallest and widest tree near the house determines the trajectory of the tree fall using his red yarn and begins to chop. Walter in the meantime sets up his m60. Jesse wakes up and escapes, but as he's leaving he sees the barrels of money. He knows he cant take it with him, he knows Walt wants it and he remembers what Walt said about Jane. Meanwhile Dexter is still chopping the tree and just as it starts to lean exactly on the course Dexter set up with his yarn, Jack and his cronies hear the cracking sound of the giant redwood.*The moment Dexter yells "Timber"*they all run outside to see what the hell is going on. Walt has them in his m60 site and blasts them all to smithereens. Dexter heads into the house after everyone is killed by Walter, using his blood splatter analysis expertise and his special computing skills he is able to use Todd's laptop to hack the DEAs website and retrieves info on Hank and Gomez's blood type. Dexter downloads some*software onto his fishfinding device he saved from his boat and he is now can find the exact location of the stolen money filled barrels by detecting trace amounts of Hank and Gomie's blood.Walter takes an Ensure break and heads to the lab to see Jesse.He sees Jesse is gone and hears the whirr of a woodchipper outside. Walt runs outside to see empty barrels lying around on the ground and Jesse stuffing the money into the woodchipper. He yells "Nooooo", and grabs Jesse. They fight and Dex comes running with his axe. As they are rolling around on the ground Dex tries to chop Jesse in half but hits Walt by mistake. They separate and Dex shoves Jesse into the woodchipper.Dex sews up Walts wounds with his red yarn. They collect the remaining barrels of money and decide to go back to Oregon where its safe. Once in Oregon, Walt plans to buy out Gray Matter anonymously and dissolve the company.Walt succeeds in a stock takeover of Gray Matter and changes the name*"Lamberdexterious" .Walt and Dex decide to split the money and bury it in phoney companies. Dexter decides to leave Oregon and move to a warmer climate. Walt stays because he still is a wanted man.*Years pass and a much older Walter White is cancer free, wearing his pork pie hat, sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of a log cabin. He's smoking a cigar and reading the newspaper and sees the headline *"Meth Queen to Wed Flannel Tycoon On Yacht The Chunk O' Wood". Walt cant believe what he's reading and*becomes teary eyed then suddenly enraged that his*exwife Skylar has fallen in love with another man and they plan to marry and*sail to Argentina for their Honeymoon. "Stupid *****" he mutters. Walter gets up and goes to his room, he pulls out a cigar from his humidor. He then goes into his wall safe and behind the stacks of cash is a small vial.*I puts gloves on and opens the vial. He gently sprinkles the contents into the cigar leaf that he carelly unrolled. He rolls it back up and and puts the cigar band back on it, setting it aside. Walter gets a cigar tube and places the cigar into the tube. He writes a congratulatory note to the groom and puts it into a box. He addresses the the boxMr. Dexter Morgan,*Lenodor Place,Albuquerque,*NM*and takes it to the post office, and picks up a pizza on the way home.![]()