Breaking Bad

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Nice little interview with Breaking Bad writer Peter Gould about the reasoning behind events in 'Granite State' and small hints about what to expect in the final.

I found this comment interesting...

The way I see it is that Heisenberg is gone. He keeps trying to kind of evoke the ghost of Heisenberg, the thrill of feeling powerful, and it’s not there. It’s gone. It died when Hank died. It’s just not there. It died when he saw baby Holly. And then in the end, what is happening in my mind, and obviously we’re leaving it up to the audience to some extent, in my mind, what’s happening is he’s becoming something new. And it’s not Walter White; It’s not Heisenberg; it’s something new. And that’s what I think Dave Porter picked up on when he had that great variation on the Breaking Bad theme at the end. Dave and I both agree he’s sort of, in this episode, he’s becoming what he’s going to become, and we’ll find out what that is in the next episode.

They better not puss out :mad:
Walter is gonna be a good guy, A HERO.

Afterall, he gave that Denny's waitress a huge tip (couple hundred right?) and didn't even finish his breakfast. Walt's gonna come in and save the day, guns a blazin' and say "come with me if you want to live" to Jesse.
Watching this show again from the beginning is making me sad.
I'm sad the series is ending, and I'm sad watching Walt and Jesse now knowing about all the things that will happen to them :(
They better not puss out :mad:

What makes you think that? It may turn out that Walter gets his way but with using his brain rather then just that gun. After all thats what he's been doing all along hasn't he?
Majorly tempted to pick up 'Upon The Mount' by Scott Campbell :gah:

Crazy money on evilbay though :monkey2
I have his book and have liked SC for some time.

Couldn't resist, just made an offer on one :gah:
Walter is gonna be a good guy, A HERO.

Afterall, he gave that Denny's waitress a huge tip (couple hundred right?) and didn't even finish his breakfast. Walt's gonna come in and save the day, guns a blazin' and say "come with me if you want to live" to Jesse.

More like. " come with me you god damn junkie we are getting out of here"
once again , no Fn Barrel ! but I like this pic way better . much more content. even Brock's poison plant is in there
