Breaking Bad

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Anybody got flashbacks of Leia choking Jabba while Jesse killed Meth Damon? :lol

Anybody got flashbacks of Leia choking Jabba while Jesse killed Meth Damon? :lol


Nope but I think we all saw it coming. Jessie HAD TO kill Todd. It wouldn't have been right if Todd went out any other way. When Jessie started choking him I let out a "yeah!" Also when the machine gun started going off. We knew it was coming but it was so satisfying.

Brilliant plan with Gretchen and Elliot too. I did not see that coming. I thought he was gonna kill them.
Nope but I think we all saw it coming. Jessie HAD TO kill Todd. It wouldn't have been right if Todd went out any other way. When Jessie started choking him I let out a "yeah!" Also when the machine gun started going off. We knew it was coming but it was so satisfying.

Brilliant plan with Gretchen and Elliot too. I did not see that coming. I thought he was gonna kill them.

When Todd told Lydia about her shirt/blouse, that was funny! :lol

As for Gretchen and Elliot, it was brilliant indeed!
At first with the laser pointers I was like "WTF? Who did he hire?" and when I saw Badger and Skinny Pete I thought it was hilarious!
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When Todd told Lydia about her shirt/bluse, that was funny! :lol

As for Gretchen and Elliot, it was brilliant indeed!
At first with the laser pointers I was like "WTF? Who did he hire?" and when I saw Badger and Skinny Pete I thought it was hilarious!

Yeah that was a great reveal. I really thought he hired a coupe of guys.
I kinda wish Walter went down in a hail of bullets. I wanted him to be the hero and save Jesse and all that but I needed him to get punished too. I wanted both sides, but the funny thing is we did get both sides because he still lost. Idk, I really like this show but my favorite characters were Mike and Hank...
When Todd told Lydia about her shirt/blouse, that was funny! :lol

As for Gretchen and Elliot, it was brilliant indeed!
At first with the laser pointers I was like "WTF? Who did he hire?" and when I saw Badger and Skinny Pete I thought it was hilarious!

I knew he probably hired a couple of teenage punks that he found somewhere,
I Knew he didn't really hire people with guns

But it was amazing to see Badger and Skinny pete again. I love them, they made me laugh so much, and It was really nice that they got to be on the last episode.
That made me really happy
It may have been predictable but only because it was what we all wanted and that's also why it's satisfying. They did it without making it corny or contrived. We still got a bit of a twist with the trust fund and everyone we wanted dead got their come-uppance. Other then the money Jesse was the only thing I wasn't totally sure about but I like that he lived. Walt was already dead from cancer so while it is sad to see him go, he still went out his way as opposed to 1 episode ago when he almost gave up in the bar. The saddest thing is Walt Jr. easily but especially now that Walt is dead and the blame for Hank's death should fall on Jack and Todd he will eventually understand.
he's still a piece of **** .... That Cares! :lol*******-right-gif_zpsc8db6098.gif

Just won this sweet print on the bay, I can't think of a nicer piece to represent the show.

Cool. Is it limited?

:rock :rock

So when is HT going to jump on this? :)

I'm gonna cry...the scene with Skylar and Walt broke my heart. :monkey2

****ing A Walt!!!!

****ing A Jesse!

Noooooo Jesse!!
Whaaaat??? What happened? I'm still sitting here with bated breath to watch it.....

Someone please give me a link or something :pray:

And how awesome was it to see Badger and Skinny Pete again?!?! Loved the laser pointers.
I somewhat missed them and had a hunch that we haven't seen the last of them.
It may have been predictable but only because it was what we all wanted and that's also why it's satisfying. They did it without making it corny or contrived. We still got a bit of a twist with the trust fund and everyone we wanted dead got their come-uppance. Other then the money Jesse was the only thing I wasn't totally sure about but I like that he lived. Walt was already dead from cancer so while it is sad to see him go, he still went out his way as opposed to 1 episode ago when he almost gave up in the bar. The saddest thing is Walt Jr. easily but especially now that Walt is dead and the blame for Hank's death should fall on Jack and Todd he will eventually understand.

Ending was awesome. So glad about everyone who died. I predicted Walt was going to die in a "final battle" of sorts and save Jesse and I'm glad I was right about it. It played out perfectly and ended the show on an amazing note.