America's just the best. Sorry Canada.
Typical response. :emperor
But, America is pretty awesome.
should they bench brodeur? he's one of the all time greats.
very true. i was going to say that, but on the same token not sure you can judge him completely just on this last game.
The U.S.A played better then Canada did. Canada slacked off in that game I think. Good job U.S.A. Well done. Miller's golden!
Negative sir, a spanking would be something like 10-2 US. This game was pretty evenly matched in which made it exciting to watch.
I doubt you even watched it or know anything about hockey, do you follow it at all?.
Yes, I play HockeyThank you very much.. In the USA of-course.. Just some friendly banter.. And I can call any victory a spanking as I hope Canada wins the next few games so team USA can spank them again in the Finals.. That would be a double spank.
Spanking enough for the Canuks to bench their goalie.
What you guys don't all eat moose and dress like mounties?