Bronze Yoda and Dooku- WTF???????

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I agree with Bannister, if they had a PPO and announced there would only be 100 then it would give flippers time to prepare and decrease the odds of someone who really wanted it getting it. And as for flippers themselves...I don't have a problem with people doing that, but announcing that you bought it for the sole purpose of flipping it strikes me as bad form, like being a bad winner. I think there should be a "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy on Flippers.

I also think it is bad form for non flippers to whine about flippers. Just saying.
I agree with Bannister, if they had a PPO and announced there would only be 100 then it would give flippers time to prepare and decrease the odds of someone who really wanted it getting it. And as for flippers themselves...I don't have a problem with people doing that, but announcing that you bought it for the sole purpose of flipping it strikes me as bad form, like being a bad winner. I think there should be a "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy on Flippers.

Its like a badge of honor around here.
Actually it is usually provoked by threads this.
Which is provoked by......? Flipping? Hey what a concept.

Maybe its okay to have "conversation". But instead, people have to lower the conversation to name calling, which unfortunately, I have no will power to ignore.
Are you saying I'm whining? I disagree about it being bad form, more like annoying, but the intent is the same I think.

No I am not. I am just saying that it goes both ways. I understand people don't like it being rubbed in their face about missing an item, but I also think it isn't exactly cool to basically call people low life losers because they decide to resell something they bought. I know you aren't one of those people saying that but plenty people around here do.
No I am not. I am just saying that it goes both ways. I understand people don't like it being rubbed in their face about missing an item, but I also think it isn't exactly cool to basically call people low life losers because they decide to resell something they bought. I know you aren't one of those people saying that but plenty people around here do.

I'm not trying to name call (outside the goofy names I just called 2 people.) I'm not calling people low lifes or anything, just stating a belief that we should all be helping each other out. Its an opinion and if I felt that strongly about it, I'd show up at people's doors, but I don't feel that strongly about it. I do feel strongly about it enough that I like having conversations about it and wish they didn't devolve into flame fests.
Good, I just didn't want my post to sound like whining since that wasn't my intent. And I agree, calling flippers names like that isn't civil, its like being a sore loser.
I'm not trying to name call (outside the goofy names I just called 2 people.) I'm not calling people low lifes or anything, just stating a belief that we should all be helping each other out. Its an opinion and if I felt that strongly about it, I'd show up at people's doors, but I don't feel that strongly about it. I do feel strongly about it enough that I like having conversations about it and wish they didn't devolve into flame fests.

I wasn't even directing that at you. Everybody in this thread has been pretty cool. I am talking more about other stuff I have read in the past.
It's true, there has been name calling and stuff in past threads. They got really ugly, this is downright diplomatic compared to those. Come to think of it, I think the name calling predates the flippers coming out of the closet and being so open about it. May be cause and effect? :huh
It's true, there has been name calling and stuff in past threads. They got really ugly, this is downright diplomatic compared to those. Come to think of it, I think the name calling predates the flippers coming out of the closet and being so open about it. May be cause and effect? :huh

Chicken or the Egg. Who knows which came first? Was it us ******* flippers or you whiny true collectors?:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl
here guys.
Use the banner I created long ago. have at it

I used to fight the flipper war too. THen I realized it was pointless. I shut up, manned up, and made sure my ass was around to score the rare items when they went up for sale.

If a "true collector" keeps an item for, say 2yrs, and then decides to (or has to, cause needs $$) sell the piece, he's going to sell it for going market value. Its just a time delayed flip, but that "true collector" is still a flipper if he doesnt sell it for what he paid for it. Doesnt matter how much time has passed.

Id bet that 50-75% of the ES of every product put on the market is flipped at one time or the other. So then I figured it was time to make a decision. Sit back and whine? or take advantage of the flip? cause if I dont, somebody else will.

Embrace the flip, and let your collection pay for itself.

I'll end this with a pic of my Saw Puppet. Brought to you by Negative Zone Spidey
