Bruce willis head: whos sculpt is this??

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Here is the two diver4 eBay heads. I used the bald one for a Bruce from Hostage when he is in Sherriff mode and the other I used for a 16 Blocks figure (my wife and I actually saw Bruce in downtown Toronto when he was filming 16 Blocks-he had the mustache and grey wig and everything, They were just getting ready to shoot a scene) The only thing with diver4 is his castings are of questionable quality sometimes. The bald one I got from diver4 had a big mold line on the bacl that needed to be dremelled and sanded off. In my opinion the best bald Bruce out there is the Miketek one. I have two, one for my Unbreakable fig and the other for a Diehard 4 fig, which you can kind of see in the background of one pic.



Also bear in mind that Sheriff Bruce is wearing body armor under his uniform.

How about this head, iknw he has hair but could it be sanded down u think?? i kinda like the likeness of him!

i think this is the same head but frm ebay:

and u saying aobut the div4 heasds having the lines down them make me think more bout it. they look ok, i guess with a good paint job thay can look ok. and depends what body u use 2 maybe??
You could sand down the hair I suppose but it seems like a lot of work and would you get the shape of his head right.
I haven`t tried it

Hey Thainer, regarding the 2 heads u got frm diver4, the bald bruce and bruce with hair, is there a difference in size, as to me, the bruce with hair, looks more in proportion on his ebay page. i mean as mentioned the bald bruce his face looks thing where as when i compaired it to the bruce with hair hes also got, the bruce hair version looks more of a good size/shape. his face doesnt look too thin to me.

what are they like to u when next to each other?