Buffy’s Most Memorable Moments: A Look Back at the Slayer in Action

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Chapter 2099

Super Freak
Jun 21, 2008
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With the premier of Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse on the horizon, I found it fitting to take a look back at one of Joss’s most successful (if not, THE most successful) creation: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

With seven seasons worth of memorable moments, which episodes and/or moments stood out most for you?
For me, "Becoming Pt. 1 and 2" were simply phenomenal. The magnitude of the events in those two episodes echoed throughout the entire series. The relationship between Buffy and Angel that so many of wanted to see certainly took an unforeseen turn by the later part of Season 2, and "Becoming" gave us fans MUCH more than we bargained for....in typical Joss fashion might I add.
Season1: Out of Sight out Of Mind, Nightmares and the Puppet Show.
Season 2: Halloween, Lie to Me, Killed By Death, and Becoming (Both) are great.
Season 3: Anne was great at illustrating how alone she was, Band Candy, The Wish,
The Zeppo, Dopplegangland, and graduation day was awesome.
Season 4: Started off slow, but Fear Itself picked up the pace, Hush, A New Man, This Years' Girl, Primeval was good but I was glad to see the Initiative storyline end.
Season 5: Buffy vs Dracula was great fun, Fool For Love is one of my all time favorites, Triangle because Anya rocks, The Body was totally sobering, and the Gift was heartbreaking.
Season 6: Afterlife was made by Spike's reaction, Once more With Feeling... what can you say?, Doublemeat Palace, and from Entropy on, the season was great.
Season 7: Selfless, Conversations With Dead People, Lies My Parents Told Me, End of Days and Chosen.
And I don't have any episodes that I hated.
Some of the most memorable for me are:
season 1: Nightmares
Season 2: Innocence,Phases and becoming part 1 & 2
Season 3: Dead man's party, Band candy, Doppelgangland
Season 4 Hush, superstar
Season 5: The replacement, listening to fear, *The Body, tough love, The gift
Season 6: Bargaining 1&2, *Once more with feeling, Tabula Rasa, Gone, Doublemeat palace, Villians, Grave
Season 7: Storyteller, end of days, chosen

Ok, so that took some time to list :lol but those are my favs. :D Saya
Funny that this is mention rightnow I just started rewatching Buffy on monday, Im on Season1 Episode 5 right now. Its an all around brilliant show.
Though the first three seasons are the best!
This was
I am also rewatching them I started about a month agao and I am in season 3. Anyways her are my faveorite moments.

Season 1: Welcome to the Hellmouth, Nightmares, Prophecy Girl
Season 2 :phases, Becoming (both), Halloween, Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered
Season 3: Anne. Hope, Trick, and Faith,Homecoming, Band Candy,The Wish, Amends
Season 4:Hush, Fear Itself, New Man, Primevil
season 5: Fool For Love, The Body, The Gift
Season 6: Once More With Feelng, Tabula Rase, Gone, Villians, Two To Go, Grave
Season 7: Lessons, Story Teller, End of Days, Chosen
Season 1: Prophecy Girl
Season 2: Becoming Part 2
Season 3: The wish
Season 4: Hush, Primeval
Season 5: Family, Check Point
Season 6: Life Serial, Tabula Rasa
Season 7: Chosen, Same Time, Same Place, Get it Done, End of Days, Lessons.
Buffygirl please tell me that The Body was one of your favs.? Once More with Feeling Isn't there either... :lol :lol Whats up girl..??? :huh :huh :rotfl
Don't let her kid you. She has OMWF on her MP3 player.

Actually I don't. Sorry Anzik.

Um, I liked the body very much. But it was all very sad and hard to watch. Yes i've seen it a whole bunch of times granted. But yeah, I dunno....

OMWF is great, but it's also everyone's favorite.
Come on, Buffy fans! I want to hear more of your favorite moments!
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I have to agree with Shaun and Ed fan, buffy was HAWT in that episode.
Also anything with Angelus, like when he trie to awaken Acathla, Spike goes, "Someone wasnt worthy"

Gotta love spike too!

i don't know which episode this is from but it is in season 5. buffy asks spike what he's doing in "5 words or less" and he counts on his fingers "out...for...a...walk..................^^^^^."
i don't know which episode this is from but it is in season 5. buffy asks spike what he's doing in "5 words or less" and he counts on his fingers "out...for...a...walk..................^^^^^."

Season 5, "No Place Like Home." That was a really funny moment that even I forgot about. Great line! :lol
"Anne," the premier of Season 3, was another one of those memorable moments for me. I remember seeing that episode and it seemed like ages since the Season 2 finale, so when the Season 3 premier aired, all of that emotion came rushing back. Just an all-around great transition into the new season. It really encompassed that "bottom of the bottle" feeling that Buffy was going through as a result of the revelations from Becoming.
Yeah I have to agree, I remember watching "Anne" way back when in 1998, and it seemed so depressing, and still to this day it is a sadder one.

Well except for the awesome fight and saveing the slaves at the end, like I notice in your banner, Chapter 2099, I love how that was a the end of the credits.

Well except for the awesome fight and saveing the slaves at the end, like I notice in your banner, Chapter 2099, I love how that was a the end of the credits.


Yeah. I LOVED that scene. When I had the banner made, that was the scene I HAD to have. I really loved the "showdown" towards the end of the episode.

I figured I'll trickle my favorite moments here and there to keep this thread alive. I've got a lot more moments, but I'll hold off for now. What an awesome show this was. By far, this was my favorite series of all time.

Those were the days....:monkey2
One I love is when Spike sings " no, I'll save her then I'll kill her!" :lol love that part from OMWF Then willow, "I think this lines mostly filler" :rotfl Man sooo many good moments, and a lot of them with Spike :D