Why in the hell did Sideshow bother making D'Hoffryn... when it looks like they didn't make any plans to make an Anya? He goes with practically NO OTHER FIGURE!!!
I'm heartbroken at this announcement... but, strangely, it's not a surprising one. During the hard fought battle, waged most vocally by thamesvalidude, to get a Giles made, our own Darklord Dave said Giles represented a "boring" figure for Sideshow to make... and that IF and when they finally make him, he will probably cap the line. Well, Dave, you were right.
When I started collecting Sideshow figures three years ago, there were SEVERAL healthy 12" lines on their plate. And when they announced the acquistion of both SW and LOTR in the 12" format, I thought Sideshow would rule the 1/6 universe. That didn't exactly happen. Instead, the Star Wars jugernaut ended up being some sort of "Trojan Horse"... what on the surface appeared to be a gift turned out to be something far more devastating. It ended up re-defining Sideshow's priorities and expectations... slowly spoiling a once great little company like Sideshow right to the core.
Now, Sideshow procures product from Medicom and Hot Toys to give the impression that they are still in the 1/6 scale business... when that fact couldn't be further from the truth. Even the 12" LOTR line has had ONLY 4 figures announced in over a year's time.
And as I look at all of my pre-orders, I too forsee myself parting ways with Sideshow a lot sooner than I expected. I'm primarily a 12" collector and my destiny doesn't t seem to lie with them. :maul