Buffy Re-boot W/Out Joss

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Glee's heather morris is supposed to be in the running to play this Buffy... Interesting...
Interesting that they would do this without him. I would think that would kill the interest in it for a lot of folks but I know little on the subject.

Though, I will say I share some of the same feelings of Joss working on The Avengers.
....I can't wish people who are passionate about my little myth ill. I can, however, take this time to announce that I'm making a Batman movie. Because there's a franchise that truly needs updating. So look for The Dark Knight Rises Way Earlier Than That Other One And Also More Cheaply And In Toronto, rebooting into a theater near you.

Leave me to my pain! Sincerely, Joss Whedon.


I guess Whedon didn't get the memo that Buffy isn't actually relevant anymore.

I kind of liked the original film. A reboot is definitely in-order.

Yeah. It's ironic that an unfaithful representation of Willow is okay and even better than the original to some but for anyone but Joss to revive Buffy is sacrilege. But then this is a Sideshow fansite first and foremost. If a Joss-less reboot ever comes out that Sideshow makes collectibles for, I'd expect the heads of some people who identify as superfans of both could very well explode with the conflict.

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) the Buffy franchise seems to have little to no juice left so I doubt a reboot regardless of who does it will fly far, but yeah, the chances are best with him authoring it. Not to say he can't lay a dud (ahem, Dollhouse, and season 8 is a mixed bag I have to say) so I wouldn't sign up on faith alone but his hits are real doozies. Still, I'd give any reboot (like Season 8) a chance just because it's Buffy.
no one will watch this :lecture

While I may not be crazy about the idea of a reboot sans Joss, I'm sure I'll end up seeing this anyway. You never know. This might actually be semi-decent. Lots of new writers have taken over books and shows and it turned out pretty good.
When I criticised the Willow statue you advised people with differing opinions to just ignore one another. But I guess though when you care about something that conflict avoidance mindset vanishes, huh? Or is a petition sufficiently passive aggressive?

Sign or don't sign. I posted that for the people who feel the same way I do. If you don't, don't sign the petition, therefore ignoring it. Simple as that.
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I'm really very not looking forward to this movie. i hope it stays in pre-production limbo until the end of time.

if the kuzui's are going for a trifecta of awfulness with the reboot and no Joss... finish it off with megan fox as Buffy. that will really piss off the whedon community and cause some riots. I know i'll be holding a flaming pitchfork!
Too bad good reboots are in the minority. Usually, it's Harry Potter movies, Star Wars I-III, Indiana Jones IV, Tim Burton's Johnny Depp vehicles, etc. But good ones are possible. It depends on who exactly picks it up.

Some successful reboots/reinterpretations/adaptations:

Battlestar Galactica - very different from the original; exceeded it by far in intellectual complexity.

Lord of the Rings - oh god the books are so hard to get through despite being a fantasy nut and being a literature student in another life. The movies were so much better.

(debatable) Star Trek by J J Abrams

Buffy (the tv show--the movie sucked dog balls) was so well done, I see no point in re-doing it, especially since it's less than 10 years off-air. But a continuation of the story or a different angle, that might be interesting. I'd love to see a creatively done Wishverse AU centered on Vampire Willow and/or Xander. There are some good, high quality ones in the much disparaged world of fanfic, so I know it's possible.
I'd love to see a creatively done Wishverse AU centered on Vampire Willow and/or Xander. There are some good, high quality ones in the much disparaged world of fanfic, so I know it's possible.

I completely agree. That is one thing I wish we were granted more of. The alternate reality from "The Wish." We were lucky enough to get Vamp Willow again in Doppelgangland, but that was not nearly enough. I think there is such a rich opportunity of spin off projects that could be created from what we were given from "Buffy", without tainting the original masterpiece (the show, not the movie). Granted, Aly Hannigan would never be available to jump back in that role. And I would hate for anyone else to be cast. Just as any of us would hate for any Whedon character role to be recast for a new or reboot project.

I suggest, an animated series. So get on that world! That project almost came to pass years ago. We have comics, yes. But who among us wouldn't love to hear the voices of our beloved actors again. Or at least seem them in awesome animated action without stupid Hollywood putting new and unwanted faces with it.
Sign or don't sign. I posted that for the people who feel the same way I do. If you don't, don't sign the petition, therefore ignoring it. Simple as that.

Right, right and I suppose you started this thread and that petition hoping that people that disagree with you would just ignore it. :rolleyes2

I happen to agree that the reboot is a terrible idea, in fact I will probably sign the petition. Still I just wanted to note your hypocrisy when it comes to something that you care about.
Too bad good reboots are in the minority. Usually, it's Harry Potter movies, Star Wars I-III, Indiana Jones IV, Tim Burton's Johnny Depp vehicles, etc. But good ones are possible. It depends on who exactly picks it up.

I liked Sweeney Todd. It was a strong musical-to-film adaptation.

The Nolan-Bale Batman films are also quite good.

Battlestar Galactica - very different from the original; exceeded it by far in intellectual complexity.

Not getting into how the new BSG fell apart after Season 3, but the show is a model for reboots. The key is letting an entire generation pass and then having something meaningful to change. A Buffy reboot fails on both.