Finally snagged a copy. And... wow. Wow. I see.
What a fabulous issue, I think the best of the season so far. No surprise to me, Drew Goddard wrote some of my favorite episodes in an otherwise ho-hum 7th season. What a great way to handle Buffy's little experiment. I hope they keep Satsu around awhile, though having a thing, even if it's a fling, with the main lead--usually a sure sign of a redshirt future, no? How long is this wolves arc going to last, anyway? Can they stretch it out a couple dozen eps? I want Goddard to hang around, and yes, I would even love an Andrew miniseries if he writes it. The humor, tone, dialogue--fantastic!
Very intersting set of foes--a vampire sect that has the same powers as THE Dracula, and what are they going to do with the Scythe? I love that they kept Drac around as a somewhat baddie who they apparently have some kind of working understanding with, to the point Xander can play on his past connections to hopefully get a litle info.
Seriously, this was a great issue.