If its not clones now its Tusken Raiders. And here I was planning to work on some Romans......sigh, what do I do?
Awesome Tuskens everyone, whenever I get around to doing one I may just steal your tips Hurricane! The best thing about yours is the fact one can just make one without needing the orginal Hasbro. And some of that is what I was planning to do whenever I got around to it (atleast the head idea).
"They will return in numbers....."
"Good, then we will have a nice choir sound" Sorry, I had to do it rofl
I found this yesterday when looking around randomly. It won't help me because I'm broke, but for someone else its a damn good deal
this is my first try at a tuskin raider after seeing yours I had to have a go still have some work to do to it and going to get a second one as well not sure how to get the photos bigger!!
from what i can see it looks pretty darn good. my only nit & a slight one at that would be to add few more wrappings around the head to fill it out a tad more. i ran into the same thing & it had a sunken in skull look to it.
but overall..................
<img src="https://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae37/clparker_2010/IMG00087-20100726-1950.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
I would like to send a big thank you out to Mark for helping me with adding the large photos thank you.