I'm not really going for screen accuracy on this guy, just a Tusken in general. The Gaffi stick will be a somewhat original creation just like if I were actually a Tusken warrior making my own weapon.
I'm almost ready for the head. I'm planning on using the Hasbro head. I've already given it the acetone bath twice to shrink it down. Its not too bad now. I think with a nice paint job it will be nice.
Here's my Tusken Raider I just finished.
The head is a repainted Hasbro
The hands are Fireman gloves
The sash around the waste is also Hasbro
Everything else is custom made from scratch.
Tuskens are awesome. I have three of them and had a blast weathering them, giving them different gear and weapons. They are so much fun that I am actually thinking about getting/making another one. Its like Barry said, its cool seeing everyones take on the character. You really can go in so many directions with these guys.
Nate, I have copied your bandolier. Thanks for posting all the WIP pics.
Thanks for posting the WIP of this great Tusken you made. I have the SS one, but have a hasbro or 2 stored away that I would like to upgrade to put with the SS version. Between yours and the others that have been posted in the Custom thread I feel I'll be able to put together a Tusken that will not look out of place with the SS one.
My first attempt..got to say I'm not that happy with him really he needs more work but I do have another couple of hasbros in the box so hopefully the next attempt will be slightly better, pictures are'nt the best either....must improve
Looks good Murdomac !The robes and bandoliers are spot on . If I can give any advice for the future , it's don't feel obliged to use the Hasbro head . If you cut away the mouth and eyepieces and add them to a "regular" head , then you can add the wrappings without the head getting too large .
i totally forgot to post the updated version of my old tuskers...............i replaced the custom heads with sideshow heads. they did such a great job on them. still might do another one from scratch though.