Wonder if Hot Toys gonna make that Endo..... Looks real nice.
Doubt it. They announced that they won't be making anymore T.S. figures.
I really want that Endo though.
Wonder if Hot Toys gonna make that Endo..... Looks real nice.
Here we go.....
If you look at the arms that Hot Toys gave him, my bash is a hell of a lot more accurate. The only difference is that Marcus has a skinnier frame, a piston around the elbow, and some wiring.
Scrap that design..thats not what McGee went with as Marcus.The skull is even wrong on that pic compared to how it looks on screen, there is some kind of mesh on the brow of Marcus in the movie and on HT version, i would say Hot Toys got the arm correct since that pic you posted is not final.I will have to pop the movie in and try and catch the arm and really see.
Valfar, I'd gladly change the Marcus arm if you can provide me with a correct version. I used what I had available to me. In addition, I never said my bash was the "be all end all". It's simply a custom I made. I didn't even say "Terminator Salvation", I said "Terminator Revelation".
Buuuut...if we get technical about it, all of Hot Toys' Rubber masked T-600 except for the Exclusive rubber mask version are wrong. None of the others were used on film, but we sure got a boat load of figures based off of the original designs. (not including the ML and Concept versions). The T-700 didn't even show up in the movie, but we got a HT figure with that designation too. The T-700 diorama shouldn't have wires running to the base neither. What about that base? Marcus'BD ear that isn't accurate to the movie? His battle damage to other parts of his body? Etc, etc, etc...
So, unless/until we can prove otherwise, we'll have to stick to the provided picture above. I'm not blind though, because I know there were changes made. However, none of HT's figures thus far have been 100% accurate to their source material neither. There's always something someone can find wrong with the figure. So, it doesn't help anyone (considering all the inconsistencies in figures) to point out the obvious regarding my use of the T-700 arm. I KNOW. It also doesn't help saying my source material should be scrapped, knowing there's no other legal source material I could use at the moment neither.
More importantly, if we are ever to get a Marcus Endoskeleton, I'm willing to bet my entire TS collection that it'd be this version. There simply isn't any other reliable material to use other than the bits and pieces we see in the move.....which doesn't translate to an entire figure.
P.S. I have seen the entire HT Marcus arm without the flesh. It's not accurate.
Valfar, I'd gladly change the Marcus arm if you can provide me with a correct version. I used what I had available to me. In addition, I never said my bash was the "be all end all". It's simply a custom I made. I didn't even say "Terminator Salvation", I said "Terminator Revelation".
Buuuut...if we get technical about it, all of Hot Toys' Rubber masked T-600 except for the Exclusive rubber mask version are wrong. None of the others were used on film, but we sure got a boat load of figures based off of the original designs. (not including the ML and Concept versions). The T-700 didn't even show up in the movie, but we got a HT figure with that designation too. The T-700 diorama shouldn't have wires running to the base neither. What about that base? Marcus'BD ear that isn't accurate to the movie? His battle damage to other parts of his body? Etc, etc, etc...
So, unless/until we can prove otherwise, we'll have to stick to the provided picture above. I'm not blind though, because I know there were changes made. However, none of HT's figures thus far have been 100% accurate to their source material neither. There's always something someone can find wrong with the figure. So, it doesn't help anyone (considering all the inconsistencies in figures) to point out the obvious regarding my use of the T-700 arm. I KNOW. It also doesn't help saying my source material should be scrapped, knowing there's no other legal source material I could use at the moment neither.
More importantly, if we are ever to get a Marcus Endoskeleton, I'm willing to bet my entire TS collection that it'd be this version. There simply isn't any other reliable material to use other than the bits and pieces we see in the move.....which doesn't translate to an entire figure.
P.S. I have seen the entire HT Marcus arm without the flesh. It's not accurate.