does anyone have a good guide to what the armor camo pattern from the movie looks like?
I've got two sets of grunt armor, working on getting a 3rd now, I customized one, and one is the original hot toys pattern, so of course it's bugging me they don't have the same pattern haha
so I'd like to redo the both of them, but I'm always worried I'm gonna mess the pattern up.
I've also got a 1:1 scale set I'd like to fix too haha, so this could help me there aswell
and yeah, can't wait for my MAA bdus to get here, I got two sets of his 1:1 stuff a year ago for me and my girlfriend, they're awesome, can't wait for my 1:6 scale marines to be all geared up.
I've done two sets of 1/1 armor and will be doing a third set shortly- I just painted a set in 1/6th using screen accurate colors as well as the camo shapes. I'm uber busy at a new job and haven't had time to post pics yet, I'll try to do so as soon as possible. I'll try and describe it, bear with me- Base color is Tamiya Field Grey- Brown is Tamiya Flat Brown- the "goldenrod color" is Games Workshop - Vomit Brown. The light grey is Games Workshop- Space Wolves Grey.
These colors are all held against my SA armors, the colors were from color swatches I got from Chris Chulamanis.
The Tamiya paints go on perfect, nice and smooth, one coat. The GW Vomit Brown, while a near identical match, is formulated a bit too thin, requiring two coats. My Space Wolves Grey is a bluish grey, works fine for the "wisps" of grey on the armor. The Vomit Brown stands out when the armor is "new", but once you go over the armor with a black wash, it tones it down perfect. And of course the weathering.
I'll take pics of mine with just the "freshly issued" look and post them. I'll hold off on the graffitii...
The shapes of the Flat Brown and Vomit Brown are similar to the shapes in Woodland Camo- kind of cloud-like, with the two colors touching on at least one side, if that makes sense. The pattern was first taken from pics of the Hudson armor on Harry Harris' site. I didn't attempt to duplicate the exact pattern on this armor, as it's my personal set, or will be a "mini-me". Actually, it's the camo design I plan on my third set of 1/1 armor, I hate trying to actually duplicate the curves of someone else's camo shapes.
The wispy grey lines are almost vertical, running "down from green, into the two browns".
Again, apologies for not having pics yet, hope the description made some sense.