You know, when I was a kid I had a lot of friends up until 5th grade. somehow they started to be interested in other things lol and from there..... I started to get bullied horribly. it got to a terrible point around 9th grade where I already had developed anxiety disorders. Then when I had enough I used to grab pens and when people would bully me because of me being drawing and making sounds (i used to draw stories and make sounds like swords and explosions as I draw) or for whatever reason cuz they got used to hit me or call me names, I then proceed on putting the pen next to their neck or threat them that i would stab them with it. and one time I did. after that they might have called me a little crazy but they wouldnt understand nor the professors the ____ed up damage they caused to my moral, personality and even brain.
but then I changed schools, things got better and then I graduated. I lost weight and actually started looking really good (for real). the funniest part is that I became an international DJ and producer, as my dream was. from the ages of 18-22. and those people who knew me from my past, didnt had any idea that the guy they bullied was that they were listening to in the radio when promoters and advertising would say Dj josh henriquez from Miami @ wherever I play (dj) in the country.
so yeah, I used to live in Panama until 16 and moved to US. then I just went back to Panama to DJ and that was it. as of today I remain much more popular than those who bullied me and got my life much more straight, had better looking girls and look better than them (they used to look better than me). sadly however not all is rose color, and my brain did incurr some issues, so beside having sometimes anxiety, I also developed at the age of 16 OCD.. I live with this hell everyday.
I am because of that a 10000% supporter of the anti bullying act.
I wish my mother would have changed me to another school when the problem was small... sadly was too late for me. but I hope you dont let your kids be bullied.