I don't think anybody is going to flip this.

I don't think anybody is going to flip this.
After looking at the pics more closely, it seems both Threepio arms do bend at the elbows, swivel at the wrists and shoulders, and spin at the shoulders. The little rod actuators are all practical (slide in slots and telescope,) which is amazing The neck is ball joint but the waist doesn't appear to move, nor anything on the legs.
Go back and reread my edit
Yes obviously because you had the ability to see the preview and know what it was yesterday and were able to be at the computer the particular hour it went up for sale today you obviously wanted this more than everybody else who didn't know today was the day the droids were going up for PO. Congrats.
I hope you do realize that just means you were lucky right? I am sure there were plenty of fans that wanted this but didn't see it in the 1 hour it was available. Pretty naive if you ask me.
That might be a bit unfair.
This might be what pulls me into yet another SS line of statues.
Ah, finally, and totally cool - The exclusive comes with both bases.
Guess that explains the price difference.
lol i am not sold you truly want the reg like some of the other guys, it sounds very forced all your posts about the extra bolt, showing photo of the ex with r2d2 in the shadow etc.. I think you are just trying to convince yourself since the ex is soldout.
it's okie, we cant all have what we want![]()
Actually, I plan on flipping the Ex. C-3P0 since Sideshow didn't make it possible for those of us who just want R2 to get him alone.
Yeah I don't get it, they say they have a number in the system already and once that is reached it sells out without them actually displaying the number.
Yeah, I did the same with my Stan Laurel PF.
Heresy, I say.![]()
Nothing shady about that.First the overall price is ridiculous, so it sucked any enthusiasm I had for these, which I actually thought would be ones SSC's wouldn't screw up paint wise. (Verdict is still out.) I mean does R2-D2, really count as a full sized PF? lol Then I see the low quantity warning on something conveniently with no edition size (at least from the consumer's viewpoint), which escalates the panicked collector to buy something based solely on a couple proto pics that will not look like the final product. I'm sorry, but I am not sad or disappointed that I couldn't get it. Selling out, like on other products, in record time with suspiciously no edition size, is the oldest sucker play in the world to get buyers to buy out something. Then they will release the size and conveniently find some to offer up and repeat the endless cycle of manipulation of the consumer. Well done SSC's!
Ten bucks says these exclusives were snapped up by flippers who will part them out for $600 a piece.![]()
That comment was directed at vorpoll only, who initially called me a flipper but deleted the comment after the fact.
I've been tracking this piece for 2+ years and was buying this despite the price. Here's vorpoll's first comment in this thread -
I think it's safe to say I wanted this more than vorpoll.![]()
Alex -
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Don't change the edition number!!! Whatever the EX closed on - So be it!
If you guys are going to add to it behind the scene, and convert all the waitlists, I am going to hire a gang of trolls to hunt Sideshow's each and every employee, and rape them thru their eye socket ( left or right, your choice )!!!
Just kidding about the rape, but seriously - Leave it at what it closed at. That what makes this hobby exciting! Don't take away the thrill of the hunt!!!!
I'm just shaking my head at people complaining about the price, or crushed they didn't get the EX, and doing whatever they can do knock these statues lol
And I'll never understand why you would want to separate these two iconic buddies, who were always seen as a "duo", unless crazy circumstances split them up.
I think for the iconic characters they are, the detail on these, the look of them, and the light up feature more than justifies the 700 bucks.
If you've been waiting and want these droids - get em. If you have a problem with it, don't order it.
And I'll never understand why you would want to separate these two iconic buddies, who were always seen as a "duo", unless crazy circumstances split them up.
And as far as splitting them up, I just realized in my favorite SW movie they were apart for most of the film. R2 was with Luke for most of it. Random thought.
I wanted a clean R2 to accompany Leia. He was the only other PF I was interested in owning.