no but it is a bit strange a tbd would sell out this fast. The only time that happened was with joker ex and even that took more than 1 day if i remember.
The joker ex was a normal tbd though, basically ss had an oh **** moment when they realized the # of orders were already above 1000 and had to close out the preorder right now before the ES got out of hand. So it went into soldout with a TBD, it wasnt until later when they had more time that they finally figured out the es.
But this is definitely is strange, despite the popularity of the character & star wars, it's still a $750 statue, i cant imagine many people ordered it especially since sideshow didnt even announce it. The link/photo etc..all pointed to the regular edition.
So not sure what is going on or how it got soldout so fast, it's definitely an odd situation.