No you just can't accept that I was better than you this time. You didn't use bettys and took my silencer off which is why I couldn't kill you half the time the first match. That is not my friend, I don't know who that is, and I do not cheat. Ask Knightslade or jedialfred of the boards here I game with them and I'm good. Yes you camped a lot and when I was running around and I turned a corner I saw you, so I ran up to you and knifed you, very simple. Whatever you think is fishy or not, I play this game every day. I haven't stopped playing COD games since last fall.
It's not like I just sucked then I got good. Just accept it, stop accusing of cheating because it's insulting to the time and skills I have master in this game. You said you recorded the match, post it let us watch it. I was gonna start gaming with you after I proved myself once and for all, but after you started to threatened me physically after the match it's over. I'll never game with or against you ever again.
And I did bring treats, otherwise I'm done with this discussion. These are the matches in order, I hosted the first two he hosted the third game.
Just for shats and giggles from an earlier game today: