Call of duty ghost

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I guess its possible that the maps will grow on us, but its usually a case of just getting familiar with them more than really liking them. Its hard to say why some maps feel right and others dont, but so far, none of the maps in Ghosts feel right to me. Theyre either tolerable or god awful imo.

:lecture I'm going to dig up my PS3 copy of Modern Warfare 1 and see if there's still people playing. This game is crap IMO, and I know I defended it for a bit. Now, I'm regretting buying it. (And the graphics suck!! On the PC with the visuals turned up I shake my head at how this is considered anything better than average. Metro Last Light looks much better IMO, and for some reason that game got overlooked)
The one map I really don't like is the one where the earth shakes every so often. It's like two buildings have crashed into each other. Far too many places where people hide in corners. The one where it rains the whole time is another the rest I don't care for. I do like the snow map and desert map with gas station. The others are alright.
I played Ground War for the first time today and I was and wasn't surprised by the amount of times I got quick scoped in one match :slap Wasn't quick scoping taken out of this game? IW up to it's lies again just like "F U last stand" :mad::slap
I played Ground War for the first time today and I was and wasn't surprised by the amount of times I got quick scoped in one match :slap Wasn't quick scoping taken out of this game? IW up to it's lies again just like "F U last stand" :mad::slap

They always seem to say quick scoping is gone, but either cave in to the complaining and bring it back or just lie and say its not there when it clearly is. Odd. I dont mind them too much. Theyre usually just easy kills for me, but theres always that one guy now and then that can quickscope you out your shoes every time. That's when I really hate it heh.
They always seem to say quick scoping is gone, but either cave in to the complaining and bring it back or just lie and say its not there when it clearly is. Odd. I dont mind them too much. Theyre usually just easy kills for me, but theres always that one guy now and then that can quickscope you out your shoes every time. That's when I really hate it heh.

I don't mind so much during TDM but when it comes to objective base games, it's just irritating.
After a few weeks of playing the MP...I just don't like it..Some of the maps are solid, but there are a few that just are too big, way to many camping spots that some of these people just snipe...

Like Josh mentioned above, the rank up is just way to long...After 14hrs, Im barely at lvl 31. The weapons suck accept for the AK-12, Honey Badger and one of the other assault rifles.

It seems they tried to duplicate Battlefield with a COD feel and its just not right...It doesn't feel like a true COD MP game.
I just started playing this. I'm not going to criticise just yet because I don't know the maps but they do seem big & yeah there's a lot of camping going on.

I can't wait to unlock Ghost. I know some people hate it because of campers but I like to play Rush & sneak up on people.. Especially campers.

Right now I've got no idea what guns are best & what not right now though
I just started playing this. I'm not going to criticise just yet because I don't know the maps but they do seem big & yeah there's a lot of camping going on.

I can't wait to unlock Ghost. I know some people hate it because of campers but I like to play Rush & sneak up on people.. Especially campers.

Right now I've got no idea what guns are best & what not right now though

How does it look on xb1 ? did you play the 360 or ps3 version ?
How does it look on xb1 ? did you play the 360 or ps3 version ?

No this is the 1st time I played it. It doesn't seem that much of a jump IMO but I never expected it to be if I'm honest judging from youtube videos. COD probably is the worst example of a game to compare to last Gen though :lol
Played a bit last night. Got quickscoped out my shoes countless times. Its definitely a broken mechanic still. Watching slow mo replays, half the time im getting killed by shots that didnt even hit me. Its like they gave sniper rifles hit boxes that cover 6 feet around player. "Close enough". I also seem to get the "prison" map a ton. Not a fan of it as I have a hard time seeing folks in all those trees, but it comes up every other match it seems. Ive been on that map 20 times and others ive maybe been on once.
**** me these maps are terrible. I'm running around & I just can't find anyone until I get shot in the back. Played groundwar & it's sheer camping.

I always stick up for COD but I'm really struggerling with this game. I always liked COD for its pace but there made this game a campers heaven.
**** me these maps are terrible. I'm running around & I just can't find anyone until I get shot in the back. Played groundwar & it's sheer camping.

I always stick up for COD but I'm really struggerling with this game. I always liked COD for its pace but there made this game a campers heaven.
Same. The maps have no flow to them and I can't imagine why they decided to make 12v12 maps for 6v6 or 9v9. There's maybe three maps that are ok and the rest are toilet water.
And is it me or do players really blend into the background

Not just you. The colors in general suck and since everyone wears camo, they just blend right in. I shoot my team mates alot too since half the time, their names don't show up.
Played a bit last night. Got quickscoped out my shoes countless times. Its definitely a broken mechanic still. Watching slow mo replays, half the time im getting killed by shots that didnt even hit me. Its like they gave sniper rifles hit boxes that cover 6 feet around player. "Close enough". I also seem to get the "prison" map a ton. Not a fan of it as I have a hard time seeing folks in all those trees, but it comes up every other match it seems. Ive been on that map 20 times and others ive maybe been on once.


**** me these maps are terrible. I'm running around & I just can't find anyone until I get shot in the back. Played groundwar & it's sheer camping.

I always stick up for COD but I'm really struggerling with this game. I always liked COD for its pace but there made this game a campers heaven.

Well I'll play it until my Ps4 arrives with BF4. See if I change my mind by then. I'm glad I didn't go elite, normally I do that as soon as it's up.

None of these maps feel like COD maps to me though. Well maybe the old castle one but the rest are huge with to much going on & to many different levels. Normally if COD do a big map they'll make big parts of it really open so you can find it each other easy but this is just ****
Sold my Ps3 version 2 days ago.In my opinion not worthy to upgrade for next-gen. MP gets old pretty fast. As a said earlier in this thread, ghosts was my last COD.
Sold my Ps3 version 2 days ago.In my opinion not worthy to upgrade for next-gen. MP gets old pretty fast. As a said earlier in this thread, ghosts was my last COD.

At least until the next one. I've "quit" CoD every year since MW2. I always find myself wanting to try the newest CoD. Maybe, just maybe it'll be different this time. Give the series "one more chance".
This guy here in the video sums up my opinion of Ghosts.

I love COD. All the CODS before I had so much fun with. They would all be on pretty much one level with the odd building or hill. If there was a big building you could go up you wouldn't really be able to camp in it, well you could but you would be out in the open & everyone would see you in it.

I think I went through puberty or something. I have no desire to play Multi-player anymore. I been playing steadily for the past 5 years. Played alittle on Ghost but don't care for it. I got BF4 and the same thing. Going to get the new Assassins Creed.