Super Freak
great! i wanna see how Soap and Prices' story ends....if it does end with this game.
yea !! cant wait to see price and soap kick ass again.
its going to be epic.
great! i wanna see how Soap and Prices' story ends....if it does end with this game.
Yeah, I also want to know what happened to Ghost!There are some things that lead me to believe that he didn't die.
Black Ops is all over the news here in the UK because of server issues and people wanting money back because they can't get online. It's pretty crazy what makes headline news these days. I traded my copy in for GT5 ( equally as crap as COD IMO) so the issues don't bother me but still the franchise was stale 2 years ago.
Hardly ^...
As a lot of people were getting sick of WWII Call of Duty games, I think I'm getting sick of Modern Warfare. I hope the rumored Call of Duty in space game is still true.
As a lot of people were getting sick of WWII Call of Duty games, I think I'm getting sick of Modern Warfare. I hope the rumored Call of Duty in space game is still true.
COD MW2 = The biggest COD producion yet. set records world wide.
the funny thing is that the COD series is popular now because of infinity ward's Modern Warefare series.
terarchy (whatever) are there to fill in the gap. just to give you a COD title.
give infinity ward time to bring a masterpiece out.
ex: COD 3= poop
COD MW = masterpiece
COD World at war = single player(ok) multi (waste of time)
COD MW2 = The biggest COD producion yet. set records world wide.
COD Black Ops = single player (fun) multi (wanna be MW2)
*Side Note- Solid brought up a point I've seen mentioned before as far as W@W and Black Ops. I'm talking about the gun reload times in both being slower than MW or MW2. Well, the guns are older style guns especially with W@W. You wouldn't get the same reload times in real life with a WW2 weapon as you would a MW type gun I would venture to guess and the same would be true if you took a Civil War gun compared to a WW2 gun.