Let's not get our undies in a bunch shall we?![]()
Lol, you said undies!! Loser!!On another note I'm 25 headshots away from having 1000 with my g18s it has been A LONG RIDE!! Also pumped about the new maps as well
I play Hardcore TDM & SD and honestly have a great time. Camping isnt really an issue. There is really not that many places you can camp comfortably. And if someone is camping (successfully, its probably cause of the lack on communication between the team and lack of intelligence) its pretty easy to throw a grenade or out right shoot the _____ pretty easy. i like how it keep me continually moving around the map. i have fun.
Good god man! Do use them akimbo?
Yes i do, the trick is to aim a little high with the cross hairs. YOU WILL DIE ALOT!! If your the type of person who cares about K/D good luck!! I got my 25 as well after my post. Out of 6700+ kills 1000 of them are headshots.
I'm not sure if I've got 6700 kills period with all my guns put together and I've got like 2 1/2 days logged. How many days do you have invested in this game?
9 days, prestige 8, 28,000 kills, 33,000 deaths, 7,700 ast. Yeah I play a lot! I play alot in the mornings, the competion is far greater in the morning, IMO. it can get a bit frustrating at times! Lol
9 days, prestige 8, 28,000 kills, 33,000 deaths, 7,700 ast. Yeah I play a lot! I play alot in the mornings, the competion is far greater in the morning, IMO. it can get a bit frustrating at times! Lol
I don't do ANYTHING as much as you play CoD. I don't sleep as much as you play CoD.
Do you not have a job?! Lol it is alot, but I've seen the leaderboards on elite, there are people who have over 100,000 kills. Just think of how long it takes to do that.
Let's see...9 days @ 24 hours per day is 216 hours total since release. The game has been out now for 9 weeks so that 63 days...the total comes to 3.43 hours per day...give or take. I know I couldn't personally put that much into a game but I also work 40 hours a week at a job that I have to go in everyday...I have a 4 year old daughter...and a wife. If I was single with no kids or worked for home, you better believe I'd have that much time invested! COD is like crack to me...it has been since the release of MW2. I didn't get into much of the online play when COD4 and W@W was released. I've got about 10 days total in MW2...maybe more considering I've played on both platforms.
I have a kid, I lay carpet and wood floors for a living, I don't get payed by the hour so the quicker I get done the more money I make. I spend time with my kid and girlfriend and make sure the boy does his homework and he has very good grades. He also plays in the other room as well. I get up early every morning when he is a sleep and put in most of my time, guess it worth losing a few hrs. Of sleep 4
I have a kid, I lay carpet and wood floors for a living, I don't get payed by the hour so the quicker I get done the more money I make. I spend time with my kid and girlfriend and make sure the boy does his homework and he has very good grades. He also plays in the other room as well. I get up early every morning when he is a sleep and put in most of my time, guess it worth losing a few hrs. Of sleep 4
I did that with MW2. I got up every morning at least an hour early and went to bed a little later once everyone was asleep. My marriage went south back in September and I just moved back in a few weeks ago. I'm trying to not spend as much time playing games and more time with my family (not that gaming was the reason we seperated). Everyone has to have a hobby and I honestly don't think that gaming is as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. The way I look at it is that I could be like some of the guys I work with and spend 2-3 hours a night at the bar after work but instead I use my free time to play COD.
You need to get on live one night so we can play this or Battlefield 3 again.
Sorry to hear that man! My girl DOES NOT live with me, or do I have any plans to get married any time soon. She leaves at about 10 every night. The kid also AWAYS has friends over, every day, I alway have little bastards running in and out. Lol He's a good boy so I let him do what he wants, to a sertain extreme.
We will have to do that. I need to pick up those new gears map sometime today, u get those?
It's cool, life goes on and things are better. If you guys ever want to join up, my gamertag is chefboyarbee. I'll play any game type although TDM and Kill Confirmed are probably the two I play the most.
It's cool, life goes on and things are better. If you guys ever want to join up, my gamertag is chefboyarbee. I'll play any game type although TDM and Kill Confirmed are probably the two I play the most.