Well Darren, I will for sure miss an entry by you, as will the rest of us no doubt, but be here as a cheerleader on the sidelines if nothing else. We could always use your kind advice and comments if nothing else.
I hope this is, if nothing else, a great opportunity for some of the members to try their hand at customizing, and to get immediate reaction from the board. That is invaluable for any creative soul to learn and grow. We (The contributors to this wild affair) look forward to all of your comments.
As for our motley list...
DarkArtist81 - 2
Customikey - 3? More?
Hurricane - 1
MiskatonicNick -1?
Xander - 1, I hope!
Anzik Hayes - C'mon dude!
binky - 1?
Mudshark - 1?
Devlinboy - 1?
Serpentor - rootin' for ya!
Ian1138 - 1?
Figuremasterles - 1
I still hold as many of you as I can to trying at least. I know that some have more than one. This will be great! And to those that haven't even tried to "commit" to it, a surprise entry or two, or more, would be totally welcome!
If any can't get a figure done, I understand. I really do. Time, life, all kinds of things intervene, but try. There is STILL TIME! Time to get something cobbled together. I have even found that desperate times can make for some fun resolutions.
And again, I have only had time for one to enter myself. My original Major Babe one, was made solely with parts I had on hand. Fodder. And that was a blast. Try this if nothing else. Just see what's laying about, and create something wild.
Hope to see your figure there next week.
Til then, keep on trying.
One or two of the members have contacted me as to the possibility that they simply won't have the time to get their figure (which may be elaborate, as it may be something they wanted for their own collections...) done by Friday.
This is ok. Do us all a favor then, those that can't finish, if you want to, post what you have done so far. We can then at least give you some feedback on it where it is, and you can cull from this some ideas towards finishment perhaps.
I think, to be fair, any unfinished figures submitted, can have a one month lag to be completed, then posted in finished with the others later, but only if you post one in-progress shot next Friday.
Seriously. This may mean half the figures are incomplete, and that would be unusual, but I think that everyone would love to see how far you got, regardless.
Think on it. No one has to post an incomplete figure, but posting something, even if in progress, would be fun to see, and would add to the overall fun. It really would. I bet you'll be surprised by the responses.
Still, I hope you have time to complete something by next week. Best of luck there. Remember, this is not a contest.
There are no winners or losers, only cool figures from artisans trying to have some fun and stimulate creativity in everyone!
Let's rock!